I Still Love You

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You heard the door open and cried out for help. You heard him running to the bathroom where you sit, slumped back on the wall with blood on your hands. When you heard the bathroom door open, you looked up to see Tom. The flesh under his eyes were red and his eyes had veins in them from crying. He slowly put his hands up to cover his mouth when he saw you.

"Hi, Tom." You said weakly.

"Darling, I came as soon as you texted me. What happened?" Tom asked as he knelt down next to you.

"I lost the baby." You replied.

Tom wrapped his arms around you and quickly took out his phone. He called an ambulance and then took your hands in his.

"The ambulance is on its way. You're going to be alright, dear." Tom whispered.

You nodded and looked down at the floor. The blood had stained your pants and seeped onto the tiles.

"What exactly happened?" Tom asked.

"I was just going to the bathroom and I saw the blood and thought it was spotting, like the doctor said, but it just kept coming and coming and I didn't want to believe it was a miscarriage, but...this is exactly what it is." You replied, trying not to cry.

"Oh, love, don't cry. It's going to be alright." Tom told you as he squeezed your hands.

"No. It's not." You said.

"What? Why?" Tom asked.

"It's not the first time." You replied.

"What?" Tom asked, the color draining from his face.

"You were away filming and I was going to call to say I was pregnant but it happened. And when you went to visit your family over the summer." You explained.

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