Love Is The Best Medicine

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You sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. You had a box of tissues next to you and you took some cold medication. This winter was going to be difficult for you since Tom was away filming and you always got colds in the winter. He would be there to help you, but, now, you had to suffer through it. You scrolled through your contacts and landed on Tom's number. You wanted to call him, but knew he was busy. You put your phone down and walked into the kitchen, holding on to your blanket tightly so it didn't fall off. You opened your fridge and took the carton of orange juice. No one was home and you could care less, so you drank the juice from the carton. Once it was all done, you set the carton on the counter and walked back into the family room. You laid yourself down on the couch and closed your eyes, hoping to take a nap, but your stuffed nose had other plans. You were a nose breather and you couldn't sleep like this. You groaned and sat back up on the couch. Your phone started to ring and you looked to see who was calling you. It was Tom. You quickly answered it and put it to your ear.
"Hello, Tom." You said in a nasally voice.
"Darling, are you alright? You sound like you have a cold." Tom asked.
"Ugh, you know me so well." You replied with a chuckle.
Your chuckle soon became a cough and you had to turn your head away from the phone.
"You sound very sick. Are you taking care of yourself?" He asked.
"The cold started this morning." You told him.
"Seriously? You sound like you've been sick for days." Tom said.
"You know how my colds work. They're like Satan." You told him.
You heard Tom laugh and smiled weakly.
"I'll be back tomorrow and that way I'll be there to take care of you, sweetheart." Tom told you.
"Really? That's wonderful. I'll be sure to keep my cold just for you then." You chuckled.
Tom laughed and you two said your goodbyes. You put the phone on the coffee table and laid down on the couch. You wanted to rest your eyes but fell asleep. You awoke later that night to a scraping sound. You rubbed your eyes and looked over at the front door opening. With hazy eyes, you managed to see who came into your apartment.
"Tom?" You asked.
"I was able to come here tonight, darling." Tom replied.
You smiled and started to cough. Tom ran over to you and helped you sit up on the couch. He wrapped an arm around you and you rested your head on his shoulder.
"No socks!" Tom exclaimed.
"What?" You asked.
"You have a cold. You need to keep as warm as possible." Tom replied running into the bedroom.
You rolled your eyes as he came back with two pairs socks. Tom knelt down in front of you and put them.
"Have you been drinking fluids?" Tom asked.
"I had the rest of that orange juice." You replied.
"That's it?" Tom asked.
You shrugged and he ran into the kitchen. Shortly after, he came back with a cup of tea.
"Drink up. What else have you done to help the cold?" Tom asked.
"I took some cough syrup." You replied.
"Anything else?" He asked.
"No." You replied.
Tom sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Do you want this cold to go away?" Tom asked.
"Yes. But have you realized that my colds only go away when you're with me, cuddling in the bed. I don't need medicine. I just need your love." You told him.
Tom was about to speak and you giggled when his cheeks flushed red.
"Why didn't you just say so?" Tom asked.
He sat down next to you and wrapped his arms rightly around you. He kissed your head and you smiled brightly.
"I think I'm feeling better already." You joked.
The two of you laughed and Tom kissed your cheek.

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