He Is Not Such A Bad Guy...... I Guess. (Coffee Date Part 1)

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So I'm gonna make the date into parts or this would be a really long chapter. Also don't forget to look at the the little note at the end of this chapter, since I have a question to ask y'all.

We entered Fuel and sat a table near the back, next to a window in the coffee shop. We sat  across from each other.
       I still felt a little bit awkward around Sanha since the every time we have seen each other in person something always happens. Then the memory of him on top of me on the floor and the time where he saw me in my pajamas came back into my mind. My face started to turn a light shade of pink.
   "So, what are you gonna order" I hear Sanha say from across the table.
    "A-an Ice Americano...... and you?" I say back answer his question.' Geez y/n do you have to stutter every time you speak' I thought to myself.
    "Oh c-cool I was planning on getting the s-same thing. I-I will go order it for us." He said while speed walking towards the counter where you would order your drink.
       The thought came into my mind as he walked away 'He is probably as nervous as I am.' I watched him order the drinks, as he stood there waiting for the drinks I couldn't help but stare at him and admire his features. He was tall, curly red hair, dark brown eyes, and very cute face.
As I looked at him he turned back and made eye contact with me, I quickly turn away and I can feel my ears turning red from embarrassment. I looked back and saw that he had grabbed our drinks and was heading this way. I watched him walk back and then I looked up and saw a wooden beam, I looked at Sanha and I don't think he has noticed that it was there.
'Should I say something or should I not. No I should tell him for he doesn't get hurt.' I was debating whether or not tell him about the beam. I decided to tell about the beam. "Um-" but before I knew it his forehead had met the beam and there was a little red spot on his forehead.
"Omg are you ok!?" I ask since he was rubbing his forehead and the way that he hit the beam seemed painful.
"Yeah..... I am fine thanking for asking. Here is your drink." He said while he handed me my drink. 'He just ran into a wooden beam but he is acting like nothing happened. I take my drink from his hand, set it down on the table and walk over to a worker and asked for a band aid. I walk back to the table, with the band aid in my hand. I notice that he was about to protest and say that he was fine.
       "Um I'm-" before he could say anything thing I cut him off. "You are not fine you just ran into a wooden beam and your forehead is red so this is the most that I can do." He nods without saying anything he reaches for the bandaid but I move it away from his reach,"No it's fine I got it ." I said and I sat him down on the chair since he was so tall that I couldn't reach his forehead when he was standing since I'm so short. (#shortpeopleproblems) I put the band aid on the injured part of his forehead.(could not think of another word than injured since it's like 1 in the morning, and that's the only think that came to mind) "There you go" I say with a warm smile on my face. I look up at him and see that he has a bright smile on his face.               "Thanks!" I started to blush just looking at his smile. "Y-your welcome." With a bright red face on. I can hear other people laughing saying how good it is too be young. I started way back to my chair. As I walked there I thought

'He is not such a bad guy..... I guess'.

A/N- Sorry for such a late update I kinda had writers block since I didn't know how I wanted to start the date but I figured it out. Btw don't forget to follow me since I'm going to make a lot more astro x readers. I was think of making a Moonbin x reader put in the comments if I should make one or not. Ok till next time byeeeeee

Author-nim  out.

Unexpected Neighbors//Astro Sanha x reader// {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now