Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

"Unnie! Wake up! The BTS fanmeet is today, let's go!" Soo Mi said as she shook me out of bed.

"Arrasseo! Just give me five minutes!"I said as I rushed out of bed. I put on a black tee, denim shorts, a black hat and tied a flannel jacket around my waist. Your typical 'hip-hop' girl look.

Soo Mi and I were roommates together. We were both trainees in YG entertainment. She is my best friend of 5 years.She loves BTS, so did I but not as hard core as her. My bias was Suga, I loved his raps and his swag vibe.

We arrived at Han River early in the morning where what seemed like thousands of fans had already gathered. I had to admit that today was really a great day to have a fanmeet, it was not very hot and it was spring so the flowers were in bloom.

"Oppa!" and "saranghaeyo!" were shouted by everyone, trying to get the attention of the boys. I didn't try because I did not want to risk losing my voice,. I stood on my tiptoes trying to catch a glimpse of Suga, but being petite definitely did not help.

Having given up, I walked away from the crowd and just blew some bubble gum and scrolled through instagram as I waited for Soo Mi to be done fangirling.

I looked up from my phone and for a split second, I met Suga's eyes. His eyebrows went up in an expression that I could only describe as shock

"What did that expression mean?"I wondered. Though I was confused, I could not help but feel my heart flutter a little when he did that, I mean, my bias just looked at me why wouldn't I feel great?

I tried to see him again but through the crowd of screaming fans, it was impossible. Dang, why did I have to be so short...

After an hour, Soo Mi finally came to me
" Unnie JUNGKOOK'S SO HOTTTT!"She yelled.

I laughed seeing her like this and just rolled my eyes as I looked at my phone.I glanced at the time- 2:30 p.m.

"Shit! We're late for practice Soo Mi! Did you really have to fangirl so long!"

"Unnie, sorry. But in my defence, it was only an hour of fangirling!" Soo Mi defended as she poured with her arms crossed.

I shook my head and smiled at her goofiness as I grabbed her wrist as I pulled her off to go to practice.

Suga's P.OV

Today we had a fanmeet at Han River. I was tired as always, but seeing the fans being excited always made me cheer up a little.

There was quite a large crowd today. And it was hard to focus on a single person at once. I sat at the edge of the stage and signed countless posters, albums, even phones.

Countless selcas later, I stood up to stretch a little. And that's when I saw ...... Her.

She.... wow was she beautiful. She was petite and cute. But she was wearing a very hip hop like outfit. Even from here I could feel her swag. She was looking down at her phone so I couldn't see her face. Suddenly she raised her head and our eyes met.

She had a cute yet hot face. When she met my eyes she had a face of disbelief. My eyebrows went up in shock, not not believing that some one could be so beautiful.But this moment lasted only for a second before fans called me to sign more photos.

" What is this feeling," I thought as I felt my heart beat faster and faster.
I tried to focus on the fans, but I couldn't help it, her face kept popping up in my mind.

"Is she still there?" I wondered. So, I stood up to look for her. And in the distance, I saw her running out of the park with another girl. She kept turning to her friend, doing what seemed like dragging her . I felt a small smile come on my face as I watched her run off.

"Hyung. Hyung!" Joong Kook called.This snapped me out of my daydream and I realised we were suppose to leave already. I got off the stage and headed towards the van.

On the ride back home, I couldn't help but think about her. "When will I see her again? Will I see her again?"I thought back to the way I felt when I first saw her. It was something I never felt before, was the best feeling in the world. It felt like drinking warm cocoa on a cold winter day, I just felt so happy and warm when I saw her.

I knew that there was a long ride home, so i fell asleep, smiling as my head filled with thoughts of this mysterious girl.

That Night

Suga's P.O.V

Even though it has already been a day, I still could not get her out of my head. I knew it was sort of conceded just to like her only for her looks, so I tried looking I tried searching her up on the internet to see what kind of things she was into.But without her name, it was pointless.

It was getting late and i got into bed I smiled as I recalled how she looked like.Her smile as she ran off, her petite stature. Funny how something so small could make me smile.

Your P.O.V

As I got into bed after a long day of practice, I suddenly remembered the time when Suga's eyes met mine. My heart fluttered at the thought, but I immediately pushed away that thought.

" How could a big celebrity like Suga like someone like me? He probably doesn't know I exist." I thought trying to be honest with myself. With that sad thought, I tucked myself to bed.

But if I were really honest with myself..... part of me hoped that Suga remembered me....

Suga's P.O.V

" I'm not going to let you go," I mumbled quietly to myself " I want to get to know you for who you are and not just know you for your looks."

" I'm going to find you, whoever you are. I will search all of Korea if I have to." Filled with a new sense of determination, I would start my journey to find this mystery girl tomorrow no matter how long it takes.

I slowly fell asleep, hoping my dreams would be filled with her.

They were.



Sorry if that made you cringe😅. If you have any recommendations , advice on how I should write better or ideas from the plot, please tell me in the comments.If you liked it please vote for the story!I hope you will enjoy the chapters to come(if you cringe often at my attempts at fluff, I am sorry)❤!

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