part 20

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Diandra's p.o.v

sampai rumah..aik..nobody's home..well..masuk dalam..check phone..hurm...ada chat dari mummy..
"Dian..mummy and daddy pergi dating sekejap arr..maybe tomorrow baru u.."-mummy
ermmm..daddy balik sudah dari outstation..yeppieee...ada harapan lah ni..minta duit poket..kering sudah ni..hahahaha..
"okay mae..have a good u both.."-me
sa cari makanan di dapur..buka food???krukkk~krukk~krukk~
I'm starving..adui..terpaksa keluar lagi lock pergi kedai fast food terdekat..last2 sampai 1 borneo pergi cari makan..ermmm...Mcd jak lah..

lepas siap ambil kesempatan jalan2 round2 ni tempat..syok lah..but..lonely..I'm so ambil phone..ermmm..check chats..then sa tekan chat sa dengan chat dia lah..mana tau dia sampai sudah..sudah makan ka dia arr??hurmm...i miss him already..nampak lagi couple2 sini..duii...bikin jealous saja o..taik betul ni..tunggu2..masih offline..hurmm...mungkin dia rehat..tidak apa lah..

ada orang tepuk bahu pun toleh..whoopp..who is this??
"Gosh...Diandra..finally..i found u..u look amazing.."-somebody
sepa ni arr???good looking guy..(ada piuk kaitu kamu bilang)
"arrr..I'm i know u??"-me
"alamak..Diandra Deydree Declan..its me...Shawn.."-Shawn
my Gawd???seriously??shawn??
macamm mana sa boleh lupa lah ni..terlampau ingat Jacob..
"Shawn!!astaga..siou..macam mana sa boleh lupa ko ni..adada.."-me
sa tutup mulut..a bit exited..tapi act cool..
"well D..waw..i missed u..missed us.."-Shawn

what??missed me??us??odoii

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what??missed me??us??odoii...not won't be happening this time..
"hahahahahahah..ko ni.."-me
sa ketawa paksa..mana buli kalah..sweet talk #1 ni..jangan lagi cair..
" or what??"-Shawn
so straight foward ni jantan ni..
"single..but not special one..outstation.."-me
membuhung kijap..sorry pinjam ko dulu..
"waw..okay..tapi masih ada peluang ni kan..hahaha.."-Shawn
dui...macam mana sa mo escape ni..thank phone tengok..Dylan..
"urm..sorry Shawn..see u when i see u..bye.."-me
terus sa direct pergi tempat parking..sambil sambut phone..
"Dian..where are u??"-Dylan
"1B ni..on my way home already.."-me
" safe..make sure sampai rumah..kawan sa tengok ada download movie ni.."-Dylan
"duii..sweeet juga..Abang mana??"-me
"kami sini lah ni..sama Derek..cepat lah ko sana..kami tunggu.."-Dylan


sampai rumah sa nampak sudah brothers sa sana living room..tengok fast n furious 7..boys will be boys..
"bilang mo tunggu.."-me
"ko lambat..ada 1 wayang lagi ni..John wick.."-Dylan
yang 2 bro concentrate tengok wayang..mentang2 tv 42"..
"sa mandi dulu..nanti sa turun.."-me
dorang angguk2 jak..macam manuk..hahahaha..

ada chat masuk..hurm..Jacob..senyum2 sa..sempat lagi sa buat2 merajuk..masa dia cakap sa rindu sa reply chat dia..uik..whose calling??new number ni..erm..mungkin Jacob..
"Shawn??how'd u get my number??"-me
"Derek...he said u said okay.."-Shawn
haiya ni budak argh..spoil o...
"o..hahaha..sorry sa anything teplanting??"-me
"nothing teplanting..but..can we go out tomorrow??"-Shawn
"arrr...u mean??"-me
"i want to take u for a date..i misses u so damn much D..please.."-Shawn
aduii..malas lagi sa ni mo jumpa dia lagi..nanti sa cair lagi sama dia..errr..
"ermmm...I'll think about it okay??sa ada hal bah ni..I'll inform u k.."-me
"okay..ouh D..i miss u so much.."-Shawn
" boyfriend call me..i got to go...bye.."-me
terus sa off tengok ada noti..10 missed call..masa sa bercakap sama Shawn tadi..semua c Jacob..habis tekan number dia..
aik tidak check chat kami tadi..alala..merajuk call lagi..tidak juga sambut..another in..

"hello..hello?? J..."-me
auwlolo...merajuk c gaman..
"J..sorry..somebody call me just now.."-me
"then why u call me??if u're busy talking with somebody??"-Jacob
tukkkoooiii..kalah2 boyfriend original ouh..
" old fren bah"-me
"guy or girl??"-Jacob
sikit sa ketawa..berabis sa cover..
" BFF.."-me
"ouh??u mean pondan??"-Jacob
"hahahahahaha...tidak lah..astagah...adakah pundan..hensem lagi tu.."-me
pundan lagi tu dia bilang c Shawn
"well..nowadays..kita sangka lelaki hensom sejati tapi dia gay..kita sangka tu girl ayu cantik..tapi dia lesbo.."-Jacob
adakah...hahahaha..true..but he's not..
"no..he's straight..i know.."-me
"how??"-Jacob tau juga maa...
"hahahaha...he's my friend lah bah..jadi sa tau..and..ya...ada lah bah sebab2 tu.."-me
"ouh??now u're talking..he's ur boyfriend..ur..special one lah??"-Jacob
adeh..apa kes ni..orang mo tau dia macam mana di sana..okay ka tidak..sibuk pula mo tau pasal Shawn..
"he once was..but now no..well stop talking about him..tell me bout u.."-me
"huh! no..big no..who is he??what's his name??how long u've known this guy??"-Jacob
"oh gosh...J...he's my old friend slash he self proclaim he's my boyfriend..his name is Shawn..kenal masa..dulu..since primary school..sampai sa form 5..lepas tu kami lost contact..coz he cheated on me..without knowing I caught him kissing a girl..after that..suddenly he came a teacher to my lil bro Derek...and just now he's talking to me..he wants to see me..tomorrow..a date dia bilang..tapi ntah.."-me
nah..kotoh!truth reveals..malas sa juga maa tau semua..
"well..don't go..i dont trust him..okay??"-Jacob
taik manuk..peduli ko sana..
"ermmm..we'll see about that..for now..i need to take belum mandi lagi ni..dari tadi.."-me
"really??well lepas shower..take selfie..i want to"-Jacob
"shut up J..isyh!"-me
want to see me naked..yaiii..
"hahahahaha..joking lah..tapi kalo boleh..bagus juga..hahahahahaha..."-Jacob
"gila!!bah okay..bye.."-me
"bye Baby D..miss u.."-Jacob
what??baby D??hihihi..eee...malu jari sa tekan end call..adeh..macam mana lah ni arr..Shawn?? done with him..sweet talker..Jacob??playboy..urgh.. Diandra Deydree..teda ka lelaki yg baik sikit untuk ko ni??

lepas sa mandi..ada chat masuk..duii..c Shawn..selfie arr..

caption : remember this??

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caption : remember this??

memang sa ingat yg bagi..but that was long time ago..
then ada chat lagi masuk..well..Jacob..
"D...sudah mandi ka ni??"-Jacob
pindik padat jawapan..
"mana selfie??"-Jacob kena cari gambar lawak yg gaman ketawa teda gigi sa send..
alamak..John wick ku..wayang2..
"J..i got stuff to u later k..bye.."-me
lekas2 sa pakai baju..siap2 then turun bawah..ngam2 baru kena pasang tu John wick..hoho..Keanu Reeves..i lop watak dia dalam ni tengah2 antara Dawson n Dylan..c Derek sana sofa dekat tv dia duduk...kesiokan dia tengok..lucu juga brothers sa ni..c Dawson kalo tengok wayang..mata dia pandai tajam kalo tengok wayang action..kalo c Dylan mulut mengunyah kerupuk tidak berhenti tu kalo tengok wayang..c Derek pun sambil teliti tidak mo missed sikit pun scene..hehehe..and yg sama kami..mesti kaki naik atas sofa..habis wayang kami main teka teki buduh2 yang teda2 pun ada..hahaha..c Derek lah tukang soal..last2..kami tertidur di sofa..gara2 mengantuk..malas masuk bilik..


sa sedar dari tidur..belakang kepala sa sandar dada c Dylan..c Dawson macam tengiling di sebelah sa..kaki sa sana atas meja..c Derek pula..paling best..1 orang 1 sofa..hahaha..cute brothers sa ni..

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