part 14

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Jacob's p.o.v

masa sa and Camille sampai di merokok dulu..take tengok style dia macam mana..sambil sandar di rasa suda penangan minuman sa tadi..tapi sa masih waras lagi lah..belum terlampau mabuk..
"Jac..buli minta??(tunjuk rokok)"-Camille
sa hulur dia kotak rokok..dia ambil 1..lepas tu dia ambil matches dalam bag dia..waw..memang smoking dia ni..cara dia smoke pun macam scan body dia..boobs dia tu bah..dengan mini dress yg nampak lurah2 ni..uii..tergugat sa..punggung dia pun..awww....macam sa mo spank saja o..sampai sa telan air liur tengok body dia..lepas siap merokok..dia ambil gula2 di bag dia masuk mulut....then dia dekat sa..dia cium pipi terkejut juga lah..tapi buat cool..terus dia kasi sandar kepala dia di dada sa..aik..bah..then her hands reach my both hands..and bring it to her back..then her mouth travel from my neck to my chest..uii..lain macam dia ni..then tangan dia yg tadi di dada sa..sekarang pandai menjalar pergi bulge bff sa..alamak..dia kasi gesel2 jari2 girl arr..nakal..then she looked at me with lust..oh....yeah...makin siok pula tau kena gesel2 ni..tidak lama sa reach ass dia grab kasi naik sikit..ada nada terkejut.."arh!" then tangan dia pergi bahu tolak bibir sa pergi bibir dia.."mmmmm..."sedap kalo ada gula2 ni..kiss sambil pass2 tu gula2..playing with her kasi pusing dia..kasi sandar di hands continues to explore her body..the boobs..i licked and kissed her neck..she chuckled..kegelian.."mmmmm...." the sweetness sound of it..then i stop..i looked into her eyes..the reflection of her eyes..begging me to touch her more..then sa tarik tangan dia..bawa masuk kereta..i continue my work in there..nasib cermin kereta sa tinted lock my car..and then bring her to the back side of it..kasi sandar dia di siring pintu..damn..she's so hot..we continue buka jacket..dia buka baju tidak tahan kasi turun baju dia..kiss area lurah boobs dia..kasi turun sikit bahagian cup bra.."mmmmm..." puting dia nampak jilat.."aaaa...."
baru sa isap macam baby..tangan sa dua2 try to un-hook bra dia..bila buka and tangan kanan sa pegang puting sebelah..kasi pentil2..macam ndak ketahanan sudah dia..dia grab kepala sa..tangan kanan sa explore tempat paling sensitif..her clit.. uuuu....
sa tidak kacau the main kasi tease di luar2 saja..dengar dia moan..buat sa tambah horny..then her hands reach my jeans zipper..dia buka tolong kasi keluar bff sa..then tangan dia main2..."argh..."bunyi sudah sa kesedapan..
"big...argh...please fuck me now.."-Camille
"ermm...not here sweety..."-me
i kissed her..block her mouth from screaming..I play her clit until she gain her satisfaction..bergegar2 dia...
"Jac..please fuck me.."-Camille
sounds like desperate..
"may be next time okay.."-me
sa tidak mau buat di kereta..lagi pun teda condom sini..
"then..let me Blow your dick.."-Camille
dia tidak tunggu sa jawab..dia tolak sa sampai sa tersandar di sebelah kiri pintu..then dia kulum dick sa..."Ergh...Cam...argh!!.."
berliur2 dia hisap bff sa..deep throat lagi..uiiii...gila...
"ermmm...i love ur cock Jac.."-Camille
sampai sa tertutup mata..and the worst part imagining Deydree sucks my boleh gila ni macam..i think i wanna cumm..
sa terpancut seamen sa dalam mulut dia...
terkejut sa bila sa buka nampak c Camille..oh no..what happen to me..tidak boleh jadi ni..

lepas kami dress up..dia kiss sa di bibir..tapi sa tidak respond..
"anything Jac..just call me..i want more from u.."-Camille
dia ambil pen tulis number dia di tangan senyum..then dia jalan.." chix memang something.."i talk to my self..start engine then drive home..don't know why..all my life I've never been like this.."I miss u D.."


today is my last day di sabah..and guess tidak call Camille..perkara baru buat sa..sebab biasanya kalo sa belum tidak akan kasi lepas..but now..lain sudah..kepala sa ingat Deydree chat Deydree..
"Hai D..."-me
dia online..double blue tick..but no reply..then sa call dia..tapi dia tidak jawab..kenapa ni arr??sa chat lagi..
"D..are u okay??are u mad at me??"
masih juga tidak reply..boleh gila sa ni..Deydree...please call ntah berapa kali..dia tidak jawab..
"i have flight tomorrow..i'll probably be leaving sabah for like i don't know..."-me
sa tunggu dia balas..yes..typing..
"sorry Jacob sa ada hal..i guess i won't be seeing u around again long my hoping for the best for u.."-Deydree
huh....sakit juga dada sa..tapi sa pretend to be okay..
"well tonight ada farewell party at my place..i'll be happy if u could come..Natasha would be here..she's going to bring along her sister and some friends.."-me
"ouh..okay..but i can't promise...well J..i got stuff to do..we'll chat later k..bye.."-Deydree
meh??thats it??cekewa sa ni..susah juga mo cari peluang jumpa dia ni...i miss her so much..


petang tu Jared and Xavier handle semua pasal pun ada sponser rasa macam berat hati sa ni kasi tinggal ni sabah..melekat sudah hati sa disini..berfikir sa..macam mana lah sa d sana nanti tu??Deydree..harap dia muncul ni rindu betul tunggu dengan penuh di balkoni..tengok setiap kereta yg datang..Natasha sampai..dia datang dengan beberapa kawan perempuan..ada satu perempuan keluar dari sebelah driver seat..bukan Linda..aik..Camille??alamak...i want to see Deydree not her....D....where are u??sa kecewa ni..Moody sa masuk ambil phone then turun..

"there u are..Jacob..lets enjoying the night.."-Xavier
"come..nah take ur drinks.."-Jared
"heii..whats with the face??"-Natasha
semua tarik sa pergi pool..ada dj lagi arr..pandai juga Jared sama Xavier atur ni.. banyak yg datang..kawan2...kazen2..but.. where is Calvin??sa chat dia..
"uii..Vin..mana ko??"-me
"whose car??"-me
teda respond..well mungkin kereta daddy dia..ermmm...tunggu lah..

siok sa duduk sambil minum..tengok yg lain ada yg terjun sudah di pool..macam tau2 jak dorang mo pool party..mungkin Jared or Xavier sudah much for my farewell party..huh tiba2..
"hai hensom..."Camille
terkejut sa..dia duduk peha sa..aduii..
" saw u came with Natasha.."-me
"yaa...dia ajak sa pergi sini..she's my boss..."-Camille
"ouh...good then.."-me
ouh...dia kerja di saloon c Natasha kasi biar jak dia duduk di peha sa..tapi pandai pula dia sandar2 kepala di bahu sa sambil story2..hurmmm...tangan pun pandai menjalar..kalo Deydree okay rasa tidak selesa betul ni..
"ermmm..Cam..can u stand-up?i need to go to toilet..sorry.."-me
dia berdiri..baru sa pusing..there she is..with Linda and Calvin..sampai telinga senyuman sa..cute juga dressing dia datang dekat dia..
"hey Jacob...i'll be missing u soon..nangis lah sa ni.."-Calvin
kami ber-bro-hug...

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