Diandra's p.o.v
"ko!!!..give it back bah..please..."-me
"not until u tell me..who is it...?"-Dawson
berabis sa lumpat mo rebut tu phone..ee..malas sa o..mentang2 tinggi dari sa..
"heiii..what's going on here??"-Dylan
"yelan..tolong bah..ambil phone sa.."-me
"kenapa pula..ko??"-Dylan
"she got a boyfriend but didn't tell us.."-Dawson
"seriously??who is it??hah Dian??"-Dylan
"he just a friend bah...eeee...ko..please...."-me
"friend ka kalo 24 hours chatting nonstop??"-Dawson
"waw....nonstop arr..."-Dylan
"ko..betul bah..just a friend..aduiii...give it back.."-me
berabis bah sa lumpat2..gila..then the phone Rings..oh no..shit..c Dawson senyum jahat..then he swipe my phone screen..alamak!"hello....ermmm..yeah..well..okay...who is this??..ouh...o.....(he stares at me)u want to bring her out??well..go where??okay...what's ur name again??...mmm..Jacob..(dia sengaja kasi besar suara tu nama...urgh!) by the way..I'm Dawson..her brother..hahaha...
nice to hear u too mr. Jacob..ermmm..well..I would love to meet u too..Jacob..sooner the better..ouh yeah..there she is..wait okay.."-Dawsonkureng punya abang! sa ambil tu phone terus sa bawa lari masuk bilik..kunci pintu then talk..
"apa kamu cakap tadi tu??"-me
"ouh??nothing..just a man's talk.."-Jacob
"seriously bah.."-me
"yeah.....I'm seriously serious.."-Jacob
"eee....kamu kan..man's will be man's kan??"-me
"hahahaha..muah! i miss u baby..lets go out...2 hari lagi sa sini ni..sunday I'm off to KL already..tidak tau bila lagi kita dapat jumpa ni..lagipun its friday night baby..my treat..okay??"-Jacob
"tomorrow is my work day..i can't.."-me
"ermmm..please...baby..please..i really...really miss u..."-Jacob
"hurm..nanti sa kagutan amacam?"-me
"okay..if u don't wanna get drunk..then..we go for a walk.."-Jacob
"walk??hahahah..just say that u want me in bed...opppssss..."-me
"errrrrr...okay..i want u in bed..then..do u want me??or i go there...to ur place..and say hi to ur family..hurm??"-Jacob
"I dare u to come here.."-me
"well...5 minutes baby..I'm coming..not a word from u.."-Jacob
dia off phone...oh...no..mati ni macam..call him back...call him back..no respond...shit!! cepat2 sa bersiap..mandi...berus gigi..cari simple wear..blouse hitam sama blue jean pants aras lutut..baru sa mo pakai contact lens..
"Dian....oh...Dian...Jacob's here..go down.."-mummyarrrggghhh...matai..cepat2 sa keluar..i look down..seriously??he's here...mati lah...sa tidak berapa nampak..tapi sa nampak ada 5 susuk tubuh lelaki di bawah..
"arh..there u are lil princess..come..ur FRIEND is waiting for u.."-Dawson
silaka..dia kasi keras tu ayat friend arr..sa masih lagi di atas..sa pusing masuk bilik balik..sa pakai contact lens baru turun..hurmm..i saw dorang lelaki ketawa2 arr..awkward ouh....
"hurmm..Dian..come here.."-Daddy
sa dekat daddy..duduk sebelah dia..ermm then daddy bisik..
"he's hensom..."-daddy
terbesar mata sa tengok daddy..daddy ni..bikin malu ouh..
"ermm..D u didn't tell me u have a wonderful family here..and..u are the only girl in the house.."-Jacob
dia senyum penuh makna..lepas tu mummy menyampuk..datang dari dapur..
"aik...aunty ko tidak kira ka Jacob??"-Mummy
terus kami semua ketawa..mummy bawa minuman..terus mummy signal sa suruh sa tuang minuman..eeee...mummy betul2 lah..terpaksa sa berlutut dekat coffee table tuang tu minuman..kopi susu maii..sa suka tu wangi..hahaha..satu2 sa surung tu minuman..lastly c Jacob..sa tengok dia..dia senyum..terus dia wink..taik manuk..sa duduk balik dekat daddy..semua minum tu minuman..
termasuk sa..hoho..sedap..
mummy juara di hati..
"ermm...Jacob...what are u doing now..i mean..kamu kerja apa sekarang??"-Daddy
"ouh...im her boss..I mean..soon to be her boss.."-Jacob
dia sambung minum tu kopi..tapi..semua tercengang..kecuali sa and mummy..hahahaha..then dia tengok semua lelaki di rumah tengok dia..
"ermmm...okay...what's with the stare guys??"-Jacob
"are u serious u are my daughter's boss??or u mean u are going to marry her??-daddy
besar mata dia..matai..kalo sa tidak menyampuk..habis dia ni..terus sa ketawa...
"dae..he is Mr. Henderson son lah.."-me
"wow...and u are my daughter's friend too??"-Daddy
"yess...uncle..I am..and I'm also..taking her out tonight..urmm..with ur permission..uncle"-Jacob
terus semua mata tengok sa..gosh!!damn u Jacob..
"hurmm..okay..with 1 conditions.."-Daddy
"anything uncle..."-Jacob
"please behave..take care of my daughter..coz she's naughty..and..don't let her drunk..coz she will say stupid things..and..yess u may take her out..but..if anything happen..anything..we will find u..till the very end of the earth..u get that??"-Daddy
"whoa...okay Sir..I will take full responsibility..if anything..
happen...i promise.."-Jacob
terus Daddy senyum2 ni..ermm..sa kasi habis minuman sa..c Jacob pun sama..
"ermm..dae..kami jalan dulu arr.."-me
"ermm..pergi lah..take care okay.."-Daddy
"bye mae.."-me
"bye.."-mummythen kami keluar dari rumah..I know everyone's watching..Jacob
pergi driver seat..then sa duduk sebelah dia..dia kasi turun cermin sebelah dia..honk..lepas tu dia drive..kasi naik balik tu cermin dia..
"berani juga ko arr..belum pernah lelaki yg sa jumpa datang rumah kecuali Shawn..but u are something..and i like it.."-me
dia diam jak..then tidak lama..
"urmmm...family ko memang bahaya oh kan..patutlah Calvin tidak suruh sa date ko..and kacau ko..I wonder..how's Shawn like..when he meets them..hurmm..berani juga dia jumpa dorang arr..well..at least dorang sudah jumpa sa..kalo ko ada apa2 pun sa juga yg kena cari..hahahaha..tapi jangan jak kalo ko 'accident' sama jantan lain sa pula yg mo tanggung.."-Jacob
apa dia cakap ni..??dia fikir sa murahan ka??sial!
"shit!what are u talking about now??"-me
"well..kalo sa balik KL nanti..mana tau..u fall in love with someone..then kamu make out..lepas tu..."-Jacob
sa pukul bahu dia kuat ni..tidak guna owh!
"auch...DEYDREE!! sakit bah!"-Jacob
dia kasi besar mata tengok sa..terus sa tengok luar tingkap..merajuk..bergegar juga jantung sa..dengar dia teriak..tapi seriously..sakit hati sa ni..sa diam jak..
"D...sorry..I just..I don't want to loose u.."-Jacob
lepas cakap bukan2 baru mo mengada mo pujuk..puik!
"D......look at me...i miss u so much..don't u miss me??"-Jacob
padan muka..biar ko sana cakap 1 orang..terus silent...teda sudah dia bercakap..dia drive saja...sampai 1 tempat..dia park..mo tau mana?? airport..mulau kan..sa mau tanya sudah buat apa..tapi...no..sa diam jak..then dia bawa keluar..
"let's go..send me back to KL.."-Jacob
tukkoii..bukan sunday ka dia fly..sa masih tengok luar..tidak lama dia keluar dari kereta..then dia jalan arr masuk dalam airport..seriously??!!sa tengok tu kunci kereta masih bergantung sana kereta..urgh! teruk lah dia ni!!sa cabut tu kunci..sa keluar..lock pintu..then sa jalan..tapi wait..bukan bubut dia arr..mengada sana..sa yg merajuk..dia pula yg mengada..taik! sa jalan pergi sana pisuk2..bikin takut gelap..tapi paduli! benci sa..adakah..merajuk sikit pun salah ka??sampai dia mo balik KL..puik! buduh! oya..mungkin Girlfriend dia punya pepe tidak tahan sudah..sial...urgh!!then sa duduk saja sembarangan..di rumput juga sa tau..gelap tapi biarlah..take me out konon ni..sial!babi!macam2 sa maki..macam sa ni pelacur jak bah kena cakap macam tu..fuck!
then phone sa vibrate..sa tengok chat dari Jacob.."where are u D??"
"D...I"m sorry..please..where the fuck are u??"
"Baby...please..I'm begging u..where are u??"
"why do u care??go on..buy ur ticket..and leave..oh yeah..I'll ask Linda to give ur car key to Jared..go on..go!"-me
"D...don't be like this..okay..I'm sorry.."-Jacob
"FUCK YOU!"-media call..ntah berapa kali..sa reject..semua sa reject..berani dia cakap sa macam tu??dia fikir sa apa??sial..sa nangis..sa tekup muka..sa duduk mencangkung..

Friends With Benefits (21sx)
RomanceWhen it comes to a reality of life, there are people whose afraid to have a dream of becoming his's or her's..let this extraordinary imagination of mine blew your mind..with my writing..enjoy! ● STRICTLY 21SX ● Mixed language Bm, English, Sabaha...