part 21

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Jacob's p.o.v

its sunday..hurm..harap Deydree tidak keluar hari ni apa lagi kalo sama lagi baring di tempat tidur..
sa chat dia..bagi voice message..
"Baby..sudah bangun ka ni??"-me
hehehe..hurm..she's offline..ouh online..recording voice message..
"ermmm..baru bangun ni.."-Deydree
aduh..suara..bikin tiragan..cepat lagi tu kawan bawah bangun..
"erm...D...can i...imagine that i hug u??"-me
lama dia balas..
the sweet voice of her..bikin sa tambah gila ou..Deydreee...
"D..mari bangun..lets take shower together.."-me
buduh ni ayat...hahahahaha..
"ermmm...tidak mau.."-Deydree
"ala..i can smell u from here..busuk..belum mandi.."-me
"i also can smell u..ur breath macam bau skunk.."-Deydree
"skunk???puff..daripada bau rotten mice...hahahahahah.."-me
buat suara cute..
"D..ur voice bah kan..hurmm.."-me
tambah lagi dia kasi suara manja2..adui ni perempuan arr..
"nothing lah.."-me
"tell me...kenapa??"-Deydree
aduii..bff sa ni kan..awal pagi lagi mo cari spot..balik2 sa pegang..
"mo tau juga??nanti ko tidak mo kawan sa tu.."-me
"ouh..i makes......u......ho..ho..hor...horny kasi tambah lagi lah..ermmm...arrrrr...J...hahahahaha...."-Deydree lari pergi bathroom bawa phone arr..apa stroke bff..balik2 sa ulang tu voice message dia tadi..huh...betul2 ko ni Deydree..seksa sa begini..kalo ko depan sa..habis ko sa kerjakan..
datang lagi voice message..
"J...u okay???"-Deydree
ermm...aii..dia call..sambut ka tidak arr??sikit cuci bff and tangan sa..silaka betul..
huh??alamakkkk!!!sa tertekan accept ka tadi??shit!!
"argh??sorry sa tidak perasan.."-me
"no..its okay..ehurm...ermm..kita mandi lah k..i mo mandi..hehehe.."-Deydree
ohohoho..dia dengar ka..macam suara dia lain macam..
"o...kay...D...sorry about just now.."-me
"u sure ur okay??"-me
"ermm..ya..lepas ni sa mo keluar..jumpa kawan.."-Deydree
shit..that guy..kalo dia kacau Baby sa..i swear..once i get tendang biji dia..
"pl...arghhh..take care okay??kalo dia macam2..tell me..okay??"-me
actually sa mo cakap please don't go..tapi..sepa lah sa ni..kan..
"don't worry J...Dylan's with me..and the 2 brothers too..they'll protect me..hahahahahaha..."-Deydree
oh..sama brothers dia pula..okay then..
"okay..anything..tell me jak k..bye..miss u.."-me
sweet2 konon sa pikat hati dia bah..hahahaha..
"urmmm...k bye..miss u too.."-Deydree
then dia off phone..waw..senyuman sa sampai telinga keluar ambil tuala..then mandi..

sa keluar pergi sudah ready breakfast di meja..nasi ambil piring kaut makanan then bawa pergi living room..on tv..
sambil makan sa tengok duduk dekat sa..surung minuman didepan sa..ampai di coffee table..
"do u want to go out today son??"-dad
"urmmm..mungkin tidak lah ni mo di rumah jak ni.."-me
"ermm..okay..but if u want to go out..let me know k..i'll take u out.."-dad
"okay dad.."-me
ngam dad subscribe ada movie channels..meninguk lah kami movie..lepas habis satu..satu lagi..sampai mata kami penat..hahahaha..siok pula spend time sama dad ni..banyak makanan dia kasi keluar di meja bikin 'tit bits' hahaha..unhealthy but worth

lunch time pun dad yg masak..rajin juga dia..bukan cincai arr..seafood masak sos..and mix vege..buli tahan sedap dia..hoho..sampai sa lupa sudah pasal Deydree..hahahaha..perempuan sexy limpas pun sa tidak tingu oh..kesedapan sa makan...sambil cerita2 sama moments ever..sambung lagi kami tengok wayang..sampai dinner kami call pizza jak arr..malas masak dad bilang..hahaha..kami makan depan tv..sampai mengantuk sudah ni mata..baru kami off tu tv..buli melatup tv o..hahaha..samak ni living room..tapi dad bilang tidak apa..coz ada cleaner datang awal pagi besok..well..lelaki bujang kan kami ni..hahahaha..masuk bilik..mandi then sa baring2 di katil..baru sa teringat phone arr..hahahaha..

uisye..20 missed call, 10 message and 30 chat from whatsapp.. uinah..sepa check..5 missed call from Deydree..another 15 ntah no sepa tu..message sa ignore..chats..20 dari baca lah..ui..apa ni??
"who is this??"
"apa hubungan ko dengan my girlfriend??"
"jangan pandai2 kacau dia..she's mine.."
"don't u dare chat with her!"
"from the beginning she's mine"
"u coward!!"
"answer the phone sial!"
"kalau sa jumpa ko..tau lah nasib ko!!" on..macam2 lagi..buduh ni jantan ni..sepa girlfriend buka chat dari Deydree..SIAL!!kimak punya jantan!!dia hantar gambar Deydree selfie sama dia..ada lagi gambar dia cium pipi Deydree..ada lagi gambar dia pegang tangan Deydree..apa ni?? confirm ni Shawn..SAWAN!!!
sa chat c Shawn..
"she's mine...always mine..we are meant to be..jangan perasan lah mr. SAWAN!"
"ouh..yeah..u are nothing compare to me.."
sa hantar gambar selfie sa dengan Deydree hari tau 2 jak gambar..tapi its enough to make him hurt..sial dia ni..pandai2 claim Deydree dia punya..kimak!!
"u know what??soon...ur graveyard say hi.."
"don't touch her skin..if u dare..i'll kill u!"
babi punya jantan!!!he's online..typing..
"so u know who i am...hahahaha...u better get lost from her..coz for now..she's mine..and we are together..go away u rat!!"
"and look..she's sleeping in my bed..just finish our exercise..hahahaha.."
dia hantar gambar Deydree baring di katil..covered with blanket..but she seems naked...aduiii..jantung!!another picture..dia wefie sama Deydree..atas katil..dia dengan boxer jak..dia kiss bibir Deydree..and touch her breast..yg kena cover dengan blanket..SIAL!!!!!
sa tidak puas hati sa call phone Deydree..
"well..finally..Jacob..i can hear ur voice..hahahaha..."-Shawn
"sial!!give her the phone damn phone!!"-me
"a a ah...she's in the shower room..taking shower..soon I'm joining her..inside.."-Shawn
"babi ko Shawn..i'll kill u!!"-me
"no u can't..she loves me..she doesn't even like u..soon we'll get married.."-Shawn
"no!!give her the phone!!"-me
"ouh..did u hear that??she just call me..ouh..poor u..u can't hear it..coz u r so far away..well i got to go..she's the way..she's tighter than she was before..nyumm..."-Shawn
"YOU ASSHOLE!!!!"-me
then dia off..ouh Deydree..why u do this to me??is it true??he fucked u??even before he already did??argh!!!!!sa buang phone duduk mencangkung di katil..without realizing my tears fall down..this is the first time..i ever cried for a girl..Deydree..u broke my heart...i never been through all this shit!!Karma really punch me hard..heart break sucks!!SIAL!!!!
sa bangun..pungut phone sa..try on still on..but the screen already tekan gallery..masi boleh gambar sa dengan tengok muka lambat jumpa ko D..starting today..i promise to my self..working is my 1st more girls for done!!seriously done!!

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