part 30

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Jacob's p.o.v

sa kasi sejuk tu air..bergagar juga lah lulut..sejuk bei..mandi lagi subuh2..aduii.. siap mandi sa balik bilik..pakai boxer jak arr..well FWB..if she can't handle this now..bila lagi kan..well sorry the bad guy now..i know..but..screw terus hempas badan di katil..urmm..nice bed...

sa tengok dekat dia..peluk..kiss her forehead..
"sleep tight baby..."-me
urm..syokk peluk dia ni..then sa tertidur..


pagi tu sa bangun..tiada sudah dia di bangun..ouh..mungkin dia d bathroom..her phone still here..then she came out from bathroom..aumm...she looks so bra..nampak tu bentuk body dia..and..with her black please..
dia dekat sa..dia senyum...kalo ikutkan hati..aduh...
"ko tidak pergi cuci muka??"-Deydree
sa masih tengok pegang muka dia..dia tengok sa...bulat mata dia bila muka kami sengaja mengeliat depan dia..i know..I'm hot..hahahaha..terus sa buat muka kasi muncung bibir cium jarak jauh..muka dia merah..hahaha...then sa ambil masuk bathroom..cuci muka..berus gigi...siap saja sa keluar..

sa nampak dia pakai tuala...then dia buang tu t-shirt bekas dia pakai...di muka perempuan..nakal ko sana hidu tu tee..
terus dia tengok sa..
"oh yeah??"-me
sa pakai tu tee biar dia terbeliak mata main mata sama dia..cepat2 dia pusing tengok dinding..nah...baru ko tau not done teasing dekat dia..kiss bahu dia..dia masih membelakang..ermmmm... her body smells good..i travel my lips tu her neck..ermm..dia feel sudah tu moment..dia kasi sandar kepala dia di badan terus kasi pusing badan dia..tidak juga terlalu tulak kasi sandar dia di tahan dia sana..i look at her..lama2 hidung kami berjumpa..

lama2 hidung kami berjumpa

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i can't handle mo tease saja actually..tapi..i can't stand to see her like this..I kissed her..then she kiss me pengang leher dia guna dua2 tangan..ermm..i can't stand this..dia pegang dada tengok mata rangkul pinggang dia..continue bawa dia sampai dekat katil..kami stop kissing..ngam sa kasi lepas dia..tuala dia jatuh..and..yeah....i saw het tits..terus dia tarik tu tuala balik cover her breast..merah muka dekat dia..dekat..sampai dia jatuh di katil..then again i kiss her..after what i've real hard..damn hard right now..she kissed me back..then she holds my she really want this??coz I am tarik tu tuala yg dia cover body dia..then sa ramas breast dia..i can't stop now..her nipples harden..she's horny..gosh..i then go her pantie..slip in my fingers..well..she's real wet right now..i then played her clit with my fingers...
she moans between the kisses..lama2 dia mengeras..dia tolak muka sa..
"Jacob.....stop please.."-Deydree
dia mengeliat..dia tarik sarung katil..then..dia tarik tangan sa yg masih main clit dia..
she came..I taste her sweets..she look at me..
dia cuba mencari keselesaan..dia mau tarik rebut tu selimut dari dia..then i kiss her again..I'm seriously in love with her..
"urmmm..yess D.."-me
dia tarik telinga sa..then dia bisik..
sa happy mixed with macam2 feeling..
"really??u sure baby??"-me
dia angguk..then sa apa lagi..buka baju..menghalang jak ni baju tarik buka pantie dia..i better hurry before she change her mind..then saw her pussy..really clean..and..nyummy...
sa tengok dia..merah muka dia..tahan malu mungkin..coz sa kasi kangkang habis kaki dia..
"are u ready Baby??"-me
dia ketap bibir..tengok sa..
I go down to her pussy..and lick it..she moans as i played with her clit...
then tidak lama her hands reach my hair..moans even louder..
dia bergegar..force me to stop..i then kiss her mouth..
"baby..I'm going in now okay??"-me
dia angguk..i take off my boxer..kneel between her legs..lepas tu..i tried to enter her pussy..force it in...WTF! she feels me..oh no Deydree..she dick is still inside..
"argh!! hurts..J...."-Deydree
her tears falling down from her eyes..ouh shit..i don't know..
"ouh shit..D..I'm sorry..really sorry baby..I don't know..I'm sorry"-me
my gosh!! I feel guilty..dia buka mata tengok sa..her tears raining out..dia tutup mulut dia..guna puai kepala dia..
"I'm so sorry...D..Shawn is lying to us...ouh..shit..u are...u are still a virgin..I'm so sorry D..I didn't meant to hurt u..ouh gosh...I'm a jerk..I'm sorry.."-me
mata sa pun mula rasa pedih..
bulat mata dia..dia ketap bibir dia..then she stared at me..she close her eyes and..
"fuck me.."-Deydree
sa terkejut dengar..oh no..
"I'm really sorry D.."-me
"yaa..i know..just fuck me..its too late to say sorry now..i guess.."-Deydree
she seems calm..she smile at me..dia angguk..
"do it...J.."-Deydree
I then slowly fuck and out..slowly..argh...she's so tight..ermmm...she moans..
dia peluk sa..kuat..probably because of the pain I've made..
"yess Baby..."-me
I kiss her passionately..I hope this kiss can calm her..I'm going to take my responsibility for being the first for her..yess..she's mine starting from now..she's one can have one..Shawn..u are out..u screw u..
I fuck her hard now..she moans even coming..oh no..I'm not wearing condom..I pull out my dick and i cum outside her pussy..we both tries to catch our breath..don't know how many times she cum..but i still have the guilt inside...
we slept together..she hug me likes she was afraid to loose me...I won't let u go baby..i promise u..I'm urs forever..


"urm...huahhhh...whose phone is that??"-me
dia check phone dia..
"not mine.."-Deydree
adeii..sepa juga ni..kacau tengok phone..12 missed check..semua Calvin..walawe..
"urmm..yess D.."-me
sa peluk dia..dia kasi tengok sa message dari Calvin..

"D..kamu di mana??"
"weii..dia kacau ko ka??"
"We went to ur house..ko teda di rumah..kamu okay ka ni??"

and so on..lepas tu dia kasi baca lagi sa message dari Mummy dia...

"Dian..where are u??Calvin and Linda came just now..i thought u are with them.."
"just take care okay.."
"don't get into trouble.."
"Dian..mummy and daddy going for a thailand..are u coming??"
"its a 1 week trip.."

sa ketawa..her mother memang awesome..sporting..then dia kasi tengok sa chat dari koko..nama dalam tu chat..

"Dian...are u okay??don't do anything stupid k...i know Shawn is a jerk..i saw him just now..going out with a girl.."

ni kali c Deydree yg ketawa..cute muka dia..hahahaha...

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