Chapter 1

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"Pinch me" I whisper. I have to wake up from this nightmare.
"June, I'm not pinching you again. You're gonna be fine... I promise." Leave it to Ethan to assure me that everything is going to be fine.... In other words, leave it to Ethan to lie straight to my face in a lame attempt to make me feel like I'm not about to die.... You'd be surprised how often something like that happens.
The line is getting shorter and shorter and the sheer prospect of imminent death is getting way too close for comfort. My legs are shaking. Heck! My whole body is shaking. I reach for Ethan's hand and he gives mine a squeeze.
Both our hands are clammy, but he stands tall with his head in the air. I'm sure I'm the only one that can tell he's scared out of his mind.
The iridescence of his raven hair reminds me of the feathers on a starling. I pray he can fly like one too. My free hand clenches into a fist. They shouldn't be able to put us in danger like this! If Ethan gets hurt during this stupid test i'll find everyone responsible and tear them apart. Even if i have to crawl up from the depths of hell to do it.
       With that pleasant thought i turn back to face the enforcers, giving them a glare that simply dissolves on their facade of cool indifference. So i stick out my tongue for good measure.
        There are only three people in front of me who haven't jumped. I don't know how many have succeeded. We won't find out the results unless we pass the test. And if we don't pass the test they'll be scraping us off the canyon bottom.
       The enforcers have to push the next girl off the edge. She falls, screaming, and the sound is still ringing in my ears when I stand at the edge of the cliff. I wipe my sweaty hand on the pants that they gave me to wear.
       It seems a shame to have so many nice clothes made for people who are probably going to die before they really get to appreciate them. If I wasn't so scared I would laugh. Or maybe I wouldn't. It might be funny if it weren't such an accurate statment.
      They haven't called my name yet. I have maybe twenty seconds before I'm forced to jump. Me and Ethan haven't let go of each others hands. I can't bring myself to do it. Gently, Ethan peels my hand away from his and lets it drop to my side. Without looking at him, I take a step towards the dropoff.
     I  know if I turn around, if I look back, then I won't be able to stop myself from crying. But I'm not jumping off this cliff without saying goodbye.
     I don't think I've ever hugged anyone harder. "I'm gonna miss you," I whisper into Ethan's ear.
"No. I'm gonna meet you down there and we're both going be fine."
"I hope you're right."
"I'm always right." I pull back to look at his grinning face. This might be the last time I see get to see it. And then I hear my name called, loud and clear. I don't bother to hide my tearstained face. I want them to remember exactly what they're doing to the children of my country.
       Before the enforcers can pull me away I walk off the edge of the cliff- but not before giving them a rude hand gesture- and plummet downward.

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