Two snakes and a bird (Betty x reader) Harry Potter au

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request: I liked the Slytherin fem!reader X Betty Cooper. Could you do another one were the reader is the quidditch captain and Cherry is also on the team and heavily flirt with the reader. Then, Betty get jealous and tries to show Cheryl that you are her girlfriend and that you are clearly not available

summary: Betty is not happy when another Slytherin flirts with her girlfriend.

written by Jasmine

a/n - kind of part two to the Bird and The Snake!

"Veronica! Have you seen Cheryl?" You asked, catching up to the girl as she walked towards the Slytherin dorms.

"I saw her outside awhile ago, but I'm not sure if she's still there," Veronica informed you with a smile.

"Alright, thanks!" You called, racing back down the hallway. You made your way outside, looking around for the contrast between green and red that Cheryl Blossom was. You finally saw her on the quidditch field, flying around with a few of her friends.

You made your way over, not noticing your Ravenclaw girlfriend sitting on the grass a few feet away, studying.

"Cheryl!" You called as you walked onto the field, watching as her gaze quickly switched to you. She said something to her friends, before swiftly making her way to the ground.

"Hey, coach," She teased, brushing the strands of hair that had fallen into her face. You ignored the flirty grin on her face, instead just getting into the plan you had come to show her. After all, you would much rather be spending some quality time with your girlfriend.

"Hi. So I drew up this plan that I was thinking of for the game against Ravenclaw-"

"Woah, why so eager? Can't we talk a bit without it being about quidditch?" She asked, placing a hand on your arm.

"Well, actually, I was planning to hang out with Betty after this," You countered.

"Why spend time with Betty when you could hang out with me?" Cheryl pushed, and you smiled at her.

"Maybe tonight. Anyways."

Betty watched from a distance as you tried to show Cheryl the game plan, but it didn't appear as though Cheryl was listening. Her eyes seemed to trail along your body, and she would bite her lip occasionally, but she was also nodding along.

Cheryl then reached up and grabbed your arm tightly, saying something with a large smile on her face. You smiled back, shaking your head at her. Cheryl then wrapped you in a hug, holding on for a little too long. Betty continued to watch, but eventually packed up her books and made her way towards her dorm.

Your eyebrows were knit with confusion as you watched Cheryl let the quaffle go right past her. She was usually one of your best chasers, but lately, she had seemed out of it. You shook off the thought and switched your gaze to Draco. He reached out for the tiny golden ball that he was chasing, encasing it in his fingers. He pumped his fist up in excitement, making you clap.

"Side A wins! Everyone come down!" You called. Tomorrow when you played against Ravenclaw, you would be the seeker, but you had decided to sit back and watch the practice instead of participating. You brought your broom back to the ground, landing among the rest of the team. You glanced around, realizing Cheryl was staring at you intently.

"Alright, great practice everyone! I think we can call it a day, and everyone can go rest up for the game tomorrow!" You exclaimed, and everyone cheered. You watched as they all left, but you pulled Cheryl aside.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked. "You didn't seem like yourself up there."

"Well when I have someone as beautiful as you are watching my every move, it's hard to perform," She said confidently, and you couldn't help but blush.

"Well, thank you. But I need you on your A game tomorrow," You ordered. Cheryl saluted, giving you a wink.

"You got it, coach!" She stated, walking off the field. You glanced around, seeing the Ravenclaw team coming onto the field. You gave the Roger Davies, the captain of the team, a smile. He returned it and started to get his team warmed up.

Once you had gotten off the field, you saw Betty standing at the entrance. You felt your lips twist into a smile as you walked over to her. You're arms made their way around her body, and you hugged her tightly.

"Hi," You mumbled, breathing in her perfume scent.

"Hey," She greeted, hugging back tightly. She could see Cheryl standing right by the doors, glaring at the two of you. Her heart sunk, Betty had always worried that you would leave her for someone else. You had always assured her that you would never, but constantly hearing Cheryl flirt with you did not put her at ease.

"Are you wearing that vanilla perfume I got you?" You asked, and she quickly switched her attention back to you. You had released her from your grip and were now looking at her in anticipation.

"Yeah, it's nice," Betty answered, giving you a small smile. She continued to keep an eye on Cheryl, who huffed and stomped inside the building. You laced your fingers with hers, walking her back all the way to her tower.

Betty never knew who to cheer for when it was Ravenclaw against Slytherin. She usually just cheered, not mentioning either team. You didn't mind, of course, because Betty wasn't from Slytherin, after all.

The game had started, and Betty was already freezing. She had gone out early to get the best seats because then she had a better view of you. But she was beginning to regret that decision as she could longer feel her toes.

"Go (y/n)!" You heard from the stands, which made you smile as you raced after the tiny golden ball.

"Uh, I mean, Ravenclaw!" The same voice called, and you laughed at Betty. You pushed harder, but you lost the snitch as it went through one of the towers surrounding the field.

The other seeker had lost it as well, and the two of you were just waiting for the snitch to reveal its location.

"C'mon, (y/n), you got this!" You heard Cheryl yell. You glanced at her, just as she blew you a kiss. You smiled a bit, before catching a glimpse of gold out of the corner of your eye. You took off, leaving the other seeker behind.

Betty's blood boiled as she watched Cheryl cheer you on, and she suddenly lost all loyalty she had to her house.

"Let's go, babe! You got this!" She cheered. Cheryl glanced at her but continued to chase after the quaffle. Betty still wasn't satisfied, so she kept yelling.

"You've almost got it! I love you!" She yelled. Cheryl passed the quaffle to another chaser, before giving Betty a harsh glare. Betty assumed she got the point, so she kept her mouth shut.

You grinned as you walked out of the field, the golden snitch in your hand. You had caught it, meaning you had beaten Ravenclaw. You saw Betty waiting for you, but you felt someone pull you back before you could greet her.

"I just wanted to say thank you, for winning that game for us. You're truly talented," Cheryl commented, grabbing your hand gently.

"Oh, thank y-" You were cut as by someone placing their lips to yours, but you quickly recognized the vanilla scent. You dropped Cheryl's hand, placing it on Betty's cheek instead. She finally pulled away after at least half a minute, glaring at Cheryl once again.

"Take a hint, Blossom," She said, giving her a sickly sweet smile. Cheryl only rolled her eyes, before pushing past the two of you.

"I love you and only you, Betty," You promised her, kissing her again quickly. She grinned, hugging you tightly.

"Good win!"

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