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Mark's POV
The next day bambam's back faced me when i woke up. "W-Where are you going?" i ask and pout. He slipped his long sleeve on and turned to me. "Work? I'm sorry babe, but hey! Joon is coming back!" i smile and jump slightly. My hips sting a bit but not much. "Yay!!" he smiled and came over to me. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head "i love you~" i giggle and look up to him and kiss his lips. I grab his hand and massage his knuckles. "Maybe when you come back we can try again?" i say and look up at him again. "Maybe" he mumbled and walked away. That hurt badly. Why did he say it like that? I feel the tears well up.

"Hi Joon!!!!" the little boy hugged me. "Sorry if this is bad timing" i shake my head and pick up Joon. "Nah, i was bored anyways, hey Joon, why don't you go into the kitchen, i made pancakes!" i set him down and he runs into the kitchen. "Hey taehyung?" he hummed and looked at me "h-how can i improve my sex life" i whisper. His eyes widen and he blushed "I-I guess... Maybe adding sex toys.... Maybe try dressing up?" i blush and nod.

Pathetic how you want to please bambam

Please go away....

Taehyung left and i began watching Joon.

"Mark hyung!! Can you give me a piggy back ride??" i snap my head to look at Joon and nod. I was thinking about what taehyung said and maybe i should do what he says.. Joon jumps on my back and we begin running around the house.

"Hey Joon! Hey Mark!" i smile as Taehyung hugged Joon "are you liking the new job?" i asked and he nodded "yeah, it pays good money and the people are super nice!" i nod at him and they start to leave. I'm alone now. I go get dressed and leave the house.

I made it safely to the mall and start looking around. Something caught my eye though. A music store is seeking employment. I enter the store and look around. "Hi my name is yugyeom, how can i help you?" i was startled. "O-Oh hi y-yugyeom, i saw you guys were seeking employment?" he is super tall! "Oh yes! Would you like an application?" i nod and he smiled "ok wait here" i nod and he left. I feel a bit strange right now. The tall boy named yugyeom returned and handed me two papers that were stapled together. "Please return these before friday, ok?" "O-Ok, thank you" he nodded and bowed. "No problem have a nice day..um.." "Mark" "oh, have a nice day Mark!!" i nod and bow as well.

So this is important but you'll see why maybe in the next chapter, how are you doing my babes?

PTSD; Markbam (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now