•22• END

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Mark's POV
I am so excited cause today is Christmas!! Bambam decided it would be a good idea to have a small get together with Jaebum, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Taehyung, Joon, Yugyeom, he will bring his boyfriend, and SeokJin, he'll bring his boyfriend as well.

"Babe, i need you to go to the store and- wait.." bambam stopped himself before saying anything else. "What's wrong.." i ask slowly. "I.. do you want to go to the store? Just for a quick thing?" I nod "yeah..i'll be okay.." Bambam smiled and cupped my face "you innocent angel~ i need you to go get more flour, for the cookies" i nod and peck his lips "i'll be back as soon as possible" i say and grab my keys and wallet.

At the store, i look around the baking aisle. I find the flour and was going to reach for it but i felt eyes on me. I look around and see someone at the end of the aisle. I turn away and continue to grab the flour. I shivered when i felt a breath on my neck. I turned around and there was the man from the music store. "Hello~" i gulp nervously and smiled awkwardly "h-hi.." i say and notice how close he is. "Your name is Mark right?" I start shaking a bit and nod slowly. "Ah you work at the music store with that kid, Yugyeom.." "h-how can i help you?" I ask, wanting to know why is he talking to me. "Sorry.. you just seem so familiar to me.." he said slowly and a smirk appeared on his face. I felt my heart start pounding. "Sorry but I don't know who you are.." i say and grab the flour i needed and placed it in the basket and started walking away. I felt a hand on my waist and I immediately turned around and smacked his hand away. "Don't touch me" "Don't act like you don't know me" he then made me drop the basket as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I was about to scream when i felt something poke my back. "Walk if you don't want to be hurt.." i nod with tears in my eyes.

He pushed me into the restrooms and locked the doors. He didn't even bother looking in the stalls when he pushed me up against a wall. "Now, i bet you missed me after our first time, how about a second?" My eyes widen and everything snapped. He's the one.. the one that raped me that night. I push him away and tried to run but he grabbed me by the waist and slammed me against the wall, making me go dizzy. "You've gotten stronger, i like that" he tried to trail his hands up my torso but i push them away, letting my tears fall in the process. He punches me in the stomach and Knocks the wind out of me. "This will teach you to stop fighting back" i gasp for air and hold my stomach, putting one hand on the wall and almost falling. He was about to do something else when out of no where a guy with red hair comes out one of the stalls and punches this asshole. I quickly start to breathe properly and head for the door. I unlocked it and started yelling. "SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE NOW!!!" I yell and go back into the bathrooms, pulling my savior off the other guy.

Once the police came, i told them everything and they told me to file a report about my rape incident down at the station. "Come with me" i say and grab my savior by the hand and start running. "What's your name!?" I ask while we run "Jung Hoseok! But my friend's call me hobi or Jhope!" "i'm Mark Tuan!!" I say and we make it to my apartments. I drag hobi up the stairs and swing the door open to my Apartment. "B-Bambam! Bambam!!" I yell out. "What? Mark what's wrong? Who's this? Why have you been crying?" "Y-You need to come to the station with me please" "w-why? What happened?" "They caught my rapist" Bambam's eyes widen and he dropped a ribbon. I stared at him while panting and hoseok stood behind me. "Let's go"

We walk into the station and let bambam do the talking, since I'm still out of breath.

Bambam's POV
"Hi, we are here to file a report against someone you just brought in?" The lady typed in something on the computer. "Ahhh Charn Chai, right this way" she said and stood up, leading us to a room. She let us sit down in the chairs and told us to wait. "Um I haven't introduced myself to you yet, I'm Jung Hoseok, but my friends call me Hobi or Jhope" "a-ah hi, I'm Kunpimook Bhuwakul, but my friends call me bambam" Hoseok nodded and smiled. "Wait Mark.. how did.." "oh.. i was getting the flour you told me about when out of no where, the guy from the music store walked up to me and started talking to me, asking questions and stuff and then he told me 'Don't act like you don't know me' then he forced me into the bathrooms and tried raping me again! And he even punched me in the stomach and before he even removed my shirt, Hoseok came out and attacked him.. i was so scared but glad that hoseok was there.. i never really got to properly thank you Hoseok.... thank you.." i look at Hoseok and nod "it's okay, I couldn't just let it happen" "wait..why were you in the stalls?" "Oh, well-" "hello, my name is officer Lee Minhyuk, how may i help you?" We all looked at Minhyuk and i grabbed Mark's Knee. "U-Uh yeah.. i'd like to file a rape report on Charn Chai.." "Who's the victim?" Mark raised his hand slowly. "Alright, i need you two to please exit the room so i can talk to this gentleman, what's your name?" "M-Mark Tuan.." "alright, may you two please exit?" I nod and me and hoseok leave the room.

PTSD; Markbam (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now