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Mark's POV
I'm nervous. I never liked doctors. Bambam and i enter the building and go down a hall way. We walk up to a desk and a lady smiled at us. "How may i help you?" "Uh i am here to see Dr. Kim?" "Ahh name of the patient?" I stand behind bambam nervously and look around. "Mark yien Tuan" the lady nodded and typed something in. "Go to room 118" we nod and thank her before walking away. I grab Bambam's hand and i look around again. Rooms with names on them, could it be the doctor's names? "Here we are, are you ready?" I was hesitant but i nodded my head yes. "It's ok to be nervous, don't worry, i will be here with you" i nod and he pecked my lips before knocking on the door.

So you are now getting therapy huh?

What's wrong with therapy?

Well, it's basically saying, bambam thinks you are going insane or into some depression, he wants to know before he can leave your ass

He wouldn't do that, h-he wants to help me, he loves me

That's what they all say Mark, 'i love you' 'i want you to get better'

I squeeze Bambam's hand tightly the minute the door opened. Bambam rubbed my hand before greeting the doctor. "Hello Dr. Ki-" "yah bambam, you don't have to call me by my formal name, come in" i stare confusedly at bambam but he just dragged me inside. We sat down in some chairs and The doctor spoke. "Hello, i am Dr. Kim SeokJin, but please, call me Jin" i nod. "So you must be Mark?" I nod. I don't know why but i just can't speak. Bambam gently squeezed my hand. I look at him and he smiled. I smiled a bit and looked at the doctor. "Alright, well, all we are doing today is just basic getting to know each other so you can feel more comfortable talking to me, i usually don't let other people in besides the patient but after what bambam has told me, he is allowed to stay, untill! You feel like you don't need him in the room" "o-ok..." I stutter out. Jin smiled warmly. "Now, if you'd like, i can start and we can just pick up from there, but ask me anything" "are you single?" Was the first thing i asked. Jin chuckled. "No, i am not, i am dating a man named Kim Namjoon" i nod and smile a bit. "Alright, now i have a question, what's your favorite type of hobby?" "Drawing, anything with art" "ahh, did you ever think of being an artist?" "No, i just like doing it when i have time" Jin hummed and wrote something down. "Don't worry about what i am writing, i have to, just to remember and to make studies on, carry on" i nod. "Do you have any pets?" I ask. "Uh not really..do you?" "Yup! I have a small dog named coco, i got it as a present from one of my closest friend named Youngjae" "ahh tell me more about your friends" "well, theres Choi Youngjae, he is younger than me, he is always happy, outgoing, has a loud and funny laugh, he is very caring and protective, he loves dogs as well, and he has a boyfriend who is one of my other closest friends, his name is Im Jaebum" "alright let me write that down then you can continue" i nod and let Jin write down what i told him. "Alright, go ahead" "ok, So Im Jaebum is Youngjae's boyfriend of 3 years, he works with bambam in this company, i sometimes see him when he comes home with bambam or when he visits with Youngjae, jaebum has that type of leader personality, he is tough, very calm, is around my age but still younger than me, he is protective, caring, and somewhat wise..." I pause and let Jin write all of that down, once he was done, i continued. "Then there's Jackson, he was the first person i told about... That... Happening to me... He told me to tell bambam but i was scared... He is very witty and out going, very happy and extra as hell, we usually call him wang puppy, because he is just like a puppy..." I pause again. After jin finished i continued again. "Wait, so Jackson wang was the first to know?" I nod "and did you tell him or did it come out or did he force you to tell him?" "I told him, he noticed how i was distant and extra quiet, cause I'm usually a quiet person.." "Ahh ok, go on" "he is Dating my other frined, his name is Park Jinyoung" "i have a friend named Park jimin, have you ever heard of him?" "No..sorry" "it's fine haha, continue" "ok well, they are dating, Jinyoung is like a mom to all of us, he tries to take of us when we are sick, even though we don't live together, he is caring, he says he wants the best for us, he is literally the mom of the group" "that's what my friends say to me" "really?" "Yup, they say me and Namjoon are the 'parents' of the group, but i don't mind, all 5 of them are like kids to me, especially the two youngest" "what are their names?" "Well the youngest name is Jeon Jungkook, the second youngest, is Kim Taehyung, he has a child.." "We know Taehyung!" I say and Jin smiled. "Really?? So you know his son?" "Joon? Of course, he is such a cute kid!" "Ah yes.. Well yeah he is my so called grandson, i spoil him all the time" i giggle "yeah.. He is a such cute and sweet kid" Jin nodded and wrote something down. "Mark, tell me about how you think people look at you" "um ok.... I feel like people think i am quiet..... Boring.... Nothing much really.... I mean... I'm not as outgoing... I am caring, honest, loyal.... But i don't know" "well, bambam, describe him" i look over at bambam and he is looking at his lap. "Bambam.....bambam is extrovert... He is energetic, he has always been outgoing... He is kind, playful, loyal, honest, caring, open minded, wiling to fight for what he believes in... He is just... Something i always wanted...i fell in love with his personality not because of his appearance..." "Tell me how you met bambam" "oh god haha... I find the story cute to be honest.... We met at the park... I was with Jackson and Jinyoung, we were having a small picnic, i remember being a bit annoyed because i was a third wheel... Next to us... Bambam was with Youngjae and Jaebum, they were actually having a picnic as well... I also remember bambam going to the ice cream stand, i was already there and what had happened was, i turned around and i accidentally had dropped my ice cream onto his shirt... He wasn't mad, he just laughed and smiled at me... I had already started liking him just by hearing him laugh and seeing him smiling.... I got the courge to ask for his number and he actually gave it to me... Ever since then we started talking and things moved on from there..." Bambam looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back and Jin smiled and wrote something in his book. "Well... I hate to say this but time is up, that was an hour session, so you will return every friday, if it's an emergency then come in and say you have to talk to me, alright? Now, i think today was very good, you seem to have a healthy relationship and friendships so maybe that is not causing these symptoms..." jin mumbled the last sentence "we will get into more details next session, have a nice day" "you to Jin" "byee hyung!!" Bambam said and we left.

When's the last time i wrote a long and proper chapter?

Anywho, happy Tuesday

Word count: 1357

PTSD; Markbam (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now