The Warehouse

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The doors opened and they walked inside. There were crates everywhere in the warehouse. All of them labeled as 'Top Secret'.

It was Area 51.

"This warehouse," Dr. Spalko said to Indy. "Is where you and your government have hidden all of your secrets, yes?"

"I've never been here before in my life," Indy told her. "It's a military warehouse."

Dr. Spalko stalked closer to Indy, not caring about his comment.

"The object we seek, a rectangular storage container," she informed him, walking around him. "Dimensions 2 meters by 0.5 meter by 66 centimeters. Contents of the box, is mummified remains. No doubt this is familiar to you."

"What makes you think I've got any idea what box you're talking about?" Indy asked her.

"10 years ago," Dr. Spalko began. "You were part of the team that examined it.

Indy started to walk towards her. The Russians pointed their guns at him, and Dr. Spalko drew her sword, pointing it under Indy's chin.

"Even if I knew what you were talking about," Indy said, knowing full well that they knew of him seeing the box.

"You will help us find it," Dr. Spalko told him.

There was nothing Indy could do but find the box. He walked further into the warehouse, a few Russians next to him.

"I need a compass," Indy called out, turning to them. "You know, north, south, east, west. No compass?"

He walked over to the man that almost punched him, and said that he needed bullets. The Russian told the others what Indy needed, and they laughed. He then walked over to Dr. Spalko and told her that the box was highly magnetized.

"I need gun powder," Indy said to her. "Do you want my help or not?"

Indy held out his hand as the Russian Colonel dumped gun powder into his hand.

"Don't toy with me, Dr. Jones," Dr. Spalko told him, watching him climb up some crates. "What is the point of all this?"

"If it's still magnetic," Indy replied, showing his closed fist of gun powder. "The metal in the gun powder should point the way."

Indy threw the gun powder into the aisle, but it didn't touch the ground. It floated through the air, going down the aisle. Soon, as they were walking, Indy held a hat while Russians emptied out four grenades. Pouring the gun powder into the hat.

The first cloud of gun powder was gone, so Indy threw the gun powder in the air, and it went left, down another aisle. They followed it to a pile of crates. Indy ordered for shotgun shells, and a Russian emptied three from his gun, into the hat. He grabbed the bullets, tossed the hat behind him, and was given a pair of pliers when he ordered for it.

Indy climbed up to the top of the crates, and took out the bullets and pliers. He cut open the shell casings and put the lead pellets in his hand. He held his hand in front of him, looking at everyone below.

Then he dropped the pellets.

The pellets fell until they suddenly went under some of the boxes close to the floor.

Dr. Spalko ordered for the men to remove some of the crates. Soon, they were looking at a box saying 'Keep Off' with pellets sticking to it.

They found the box.

They grabbed the crate and started to open it with crowbars. After getting the lid off, and the crowbars, they took the magnetized box, and carried it to a Jeep. The lights hanging from the ceiling started to move, following the box. Any piece of metal lying on the floor started to follow it as well.

All of them watched as a Private started to open it. Then Dr. Spalko immediately got on the Jeep, and opened the glass door. The Russians shined light on the metal looking case, holding a mummy inside. Dr. Spalko grabbed a knife and started to cut a hole in the body-shaped casing. She then tore it open, showing what looked like a hand that was deeply burnt.

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