Family Squabble

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They were riding through the jungle. In the front was a vehicle that cleared the trees out of their way. Behind it were trucks and Jeeps. In the back of one truck, the twins, Marion and Indy were tied up, with a soldier guarding them. Marion and Indy were on opposite sides of the truck, while Mutt and Jack were side by side.

Marion had told her kids the truth. Indiana Jones was their dad. They stared at Indy in disbelief.

"No," Mutt spoke. "He was British, an RAF pilot. He was a war hero, not a schoolteacher."

"Colin was your stepfather," Marion replied. "We started dating when you two were three months old. He was a good man."

"Wait," Indy said, suspicious. "Colin Williams? You married him? I introduced you!"

"I think you gave up your vote on who I married when you decided to break it off a week before the wedding," Marion told him.

"I think we both knew that it wasn't going to work," Indy told her.

"You don't know that," Marion replied. "Why didn't you ever talk to me about it?"

"Because we never had an argument that I won!"

"It's not my fault you can't keep up!"

"I didn't want to hurt!"

"Shut up!" The Russian soldier shouted at them.

"Didn't you ever wonder why Ox stopped talking to you, years ago?" Marion asked. "He hated that you ran away."

"Would you two stop?" Jack finally spoke, getting over the initial shock of the news.

"Let's not let the kids see mom and dad fight," Indy said, sour.

"You're not my dad," Mutt told him.

"You bet I am," Indy replied. "And I got news for you, you're gonna go back and finish school."

"Really?" Mutt spoke, beginning to quote Indy. "What happened to, 'There's not a thing wrong with it, kid, and don't let anybody else tell you different?' You remember saying that?"

"That was before I was your father," Indy yelled.

"You're not my father!" Mutt yelled.

"Yes he is," Marion told him.

"You should have told me about them," Indy turned to Marion.

The soldier had some cloth, came over, and was going to tie it over their mouths.

"I had a right to know," he continued.

"You vanished after that," Marion said through the gag.

"I wrote."

"A year later!" She replied. "By then, Mutt and Jack were born, and I was married."

"Why are you bothering to tell me now?" He asked her.

"Because I thought we were gonna die!"

"Not yet!"

Indy then kicked the soldier. The soldier hit the wall of the truck. Jack kicked him, causing him to fall the other way. When he got up, Indy kicked him in the face. He turned around, and Mutt kicked him in the face. After I couple more kicks, another one from Jack, the soldier fell unconscious.

Mutt wiggled his foot, successfully getting his pocket knife to fall out. Using his feet, Mutt grabbed the knife and threw it over to Indy, hoping it would fall behind him.

It landed on his shoulder.

He threw his shoulder back, causing the knife to fall behind him.

"Got it?" The twins asked together.

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