That Other Girl

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"Y/N it's 2! Are you ready to go to the pool yet?!" Grayson your boyfriend of a whole year yells from down stairs. (Btw you are 23 in this story and Grayson is 24. :))

"Yeah just give me a sec!" You yelled down stairs while holding your resulted pregnancy test.
"||" it read.
"OMG WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO TELL HIM?!" You anxiously thought in your head while pacing back and forth in the bedroom. You sat down biting your nails thinking about whether or not Grayson would still love you.

"Y/N?" You heard Grayson's voice saying coming closer and closer to the room.
You threw the pregnancy test and started grabbing your bag and towel.

"Is everything okay? What's taking so long?"

"Nothing I was just making sure I had everything." You lied. You hated keeping things from him because you hated when he did it back, but now wasn't the time.
"Alright then.. Let's go!" He says.


You guys pulled up to the local swimming pool and place your belongings on a chair.
"Wow it's pretty packed" you said.
"Well we would have been here earlier if you wouldn't have taken so long." he added while smiling.
"Whatever" you say as you playfully slap his chest.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom first I'll be right back." Grayson says as he pecks your lips.

"Ok.. Don't take too long" you responded.

You jumped into the pool and swam around trying to get used to FREEZING COLD water. You did some flips and a few laps cause you gotta stay fit for the baby ;)

"What's taking him so long?" You thought.
You started searching the bathroom area from inside the pool when you spot Grayson with some other girl. She was feeling on his muscles while they were both giggling. This made you really upset. So upset that you started feeling sick and you weren't sure if it was because of what you saw or the baby or maybe both.
You got out of the pool and started walking towards the chair covered in your guys' junk. You continued walking but also turning your head back to check on them every three seconds.

"WOAH!" You and some random guy shouted as you bumped into each other.
"I'm sorry.. I was paying attention an.."
"Hey don't worry about it" the shirtless dude said cutting you off.

"So what exactly is a pretty girl like you doing here alone." He asks while checking out your smoking body. (HAHA)

"Actually I'm not here alone I'm here with my boyfriend."

"Well where is he then?" He asked while smiling.

"I'm sorry but that is none of your business.. Excuse me." You walked off in a tude.

I look over to see where Y/N was at and I see her grabbing her stuff from the chair and heading towards the exit.
"Im sorry I have to go" I said to this girl I just met.

I grabbed all of my stuff and took the keys and starting leaving the pool when I heard a familiar voice call out. I knew it was Grayson but I really didn't want to talk to him so I kept walking.

"Y/N!.. Y/N! WAIT PLEASE!" He shouted while running after you.
He finally caught up to you and pulled your shoulder back.

"Hey.. Where are you going? " he asked looking completely innocent.

"I don't want to be here anymore. I just want to go home." You said trying with all your force to hold back the tears.

"But we just got her.."

"GRAYSON.. Please.. Can we just go home?" You begged.

"Um.. Um.. Yeah.. Let's go home" he replied in shock.

The car ride home was completely silent. Eventually you guys arrived home and you went up to your guys room and lied down on the bed. You got up, changed out of your bathing suit and went back to the bed laying on your back staring at the ceiling.

"Hey.. Babe what wrong?" Grayson askes while entering the room. You ignored him and instead of responding you turned to your side facing the opposite direction of him. He then crawled into bed and leaned over you to try and get a glimpse of your face.
"Babe?" He asked again.

"Grayson.. Do you want to know why I am upset. Well I'm upset because you told me at the pool that you were coming right back and I find out that you are letting some girl touch alllll over you and you are ok with it. Simply, I just don't know if I want that around my baaaaaa....."

Grayson's eyes opened wide and looked full of fear.
"Your what?"

"...nothing.. Nothing ju-just.. Nothing." You stuttered trying to take it back.

"Tell me Y/N" he insisted.

"No" you replied.

"Tell me"


"GOD Y/N TELL ME!" He shouted.

"BABY. OK?! I'M PREGNANT AND I'M NOT EXCITED ANYMORE. DOES THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY?!" You sit up and put your head in your hands and began crying.


HEY GUYS! This was a really long one. I wasn't expecting it to last this far but I just kept getting more and more interested. I'll post the second part of this after the second part of "Something has Changed" please comment or private message me about any ideas and I'll be sure to give you a shout out. 😊
I'll see you loves soon! 💙


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