Chapter 8

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*********A/N: Any chapters after this that are edited will have stars like these ** at the beginning, I strongly suggest you don't read on until they're done************

Chapter 8

Harry's P.O.V

 I woke up with a groan, the suns light shining brightly through my open curtains. I glanced around my room, remembering how I snapped at Louis last night, all because I was in a sulk over Ciara and I’s departure. Sighing, I rolled from the bed, deciding now was the best time to apologise to him. After all, it really wasn’t his fault.

 I picked up my phone as I left, noticing I had 23 and missed calls and 3 messages. I didn’t bother checking who they were from, knowing instantly that they were from Niall. You’d think that after I ignored the first few, he’d just give up. Deciding I’d call him later, I put my phone on my bed and walked out of the room.

 I wandered out of my bedroom and down the hall, stumbling down the stairs in my groggy state. I heard Louis searching presses in the kitchen, throwing them all open and then slamming them shut. Whatever he’s looking for must be very important.

When I walked in, Louis was leaning against the countertop, lost in thought. He either found what he was looking for, or gave up on the search altogether.  

“Oh. Morning Harry!” he said as soon as he noticed me watching him. I smiled at him, grabbing the cereal from the otherwise bare press, a clean bowl from our dishwasher and the practically empty container of milk from the fridge. “Can we have that chat now?”

 “Yeah. Sorry for snapping at you last night, mate. I was pissed at myself and took it out on you” I told him quickly, getting my apology in before he could start talking.

 “It’s cool man! Like I get that you and Ciara had a bit of a rough goodbye, but you’re gonna have to put it to the back of your mind for a bit, while we record and all. We can’t be distracted, this is important” he explained, and I had to fight back an angry response. He’s going on like my relationship with Ciara isn’t important, that everything else in my life should be put on hold when band stuff is involved.

 “Yeah, sorry” I muttered, looking away from him. I didn’t say anything else, knowing I’d probably snap at him again.

 “Jesus, what did I say now? You aren’t the only one who doesn’t get to see his girlfriend all the time, Harry! Stop being so self centred. I’m going to get some food, the boys will be here soon so sort your shit out before they get here” he snapped, walking out of the kitchen.

 “I never said I was the only one! What the hell is wrong with you lately, Louis? The last few days all you were doing was snapping at us! You’re such a fucking hypocrite!” I shouted after him, my anger overflowing.

 My only reply was the sound of the front door slamming closed.

 I ate my bowl of cereal, breathing deeply, trying to calm down. I’m not usually one to get angry, so it’s usually bad when it does happen. When it was all gone, I threw the dirty bowl into the sink and stomped out of the room, loudly making my way up to my room. I needed a shower, it would give me time to clear my head and calm down.

 I just walked into my bedroom when the front door opened, and someone came bounding in. I thought it was Louis after forgetting something, so I continued getting clothes for after my shower.

 “Harry! Where are you?” Niall’s voice called from somewhere downstairs, and I groaned. I just can’t get time to myself right now.

 Ciara's POV

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