Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 -

Ciaras P.O.V

The next couple of days passed in a blur.

The day after the 'big date', we had to say our goodbyes to Eleanor and Danielle, they had work and college to return to. it was a tearful occasion, I've never seen Louis and Liam so mopey. It was upsetting for the rest of us as well, having gotten so close to them that summer, we could easily say we're best friends. Louis and Liam brought them to the airport, and when they returned, stayed in their rooms, supposedly packing.

The rest of the day consisted of rushing around to find our belongings, and making sure we weren't missing anything. Myself, Ruth and Jade found gathering ours rather easy, however Harry, Niall and Zayn seemed to have trouble with this. We easily spent four hours searching for Niall's favourite pair of high tops, Zayn's spare earphones, and Harry's beanie. Each thing ended up being found either under a chair, a bed or stuffed between cushions.

The packing was another story. When we finally had everything, we realised that since our journey to Miami, we've accumulated a lot more stuff, most of which was not going to fit into our bags. We sent the three lads off to buy extra suitcases, accepting the possibility of paying extra charges - a three month holiday isn't cheap. It took them unbelievably long to return, having decided a quick trip to the shop for food was necessary. We ended up deciding that it was much too late to start shoving stuff into suitcases, so we lounged around, munching on the snacks the boys bought, and watching reruns of Friends. It was only when I was going to sleep that I realised I was going to have to spend my last day with Harry packing all of our useless possessions into stupid bags.



"Everybody, GET UP!" Louis's roared, waking me from my dreamless sleep. I groaned, glancing at the clock.

3:35 A.M

"Is he for real?" I grumbled, turning onto my side and burrowing into Harry's warm chest.

"We better get up, we've to be in the airport in an hour" Harry croaked from beside me, a rubbing my arm.

"But it's too early. I'm sleepy" I mumbled into him, a small yawn escaping my mouth. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my curled up body.

"C'mon little baby, it's up time" he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my back. He pulled his arms away from me, ripping the heavy, warm duvet from around us. I opened my eyes to glare at him, but he was already climbing off the king sized bed.

"Harry and Ciara, I don't care what you may have been doing last night, and how late you were up, but get the hell out of bed now!" Louis shouted from just outside our door. I blushed at his accusations, hiding my scarlet face in the pillow.

"How did you know we were playing Monopoly all night, Lou?" Harry called back, and when I looked towards him in confusion, he winked. We weren't doing anything last night, at all. Except sleeping.

"Oh shut up and get out of bed, curly. I'm not missing our plane because of you!" He snapped, stomping down the hall. I chuckled at his moody attitude, he was still moping because Eleanor was gone. At least they live in the same country!

I rolled out of the bed, landing on the plush, soft cream carpet of the huge room me and Harry called dibs on as soon as we got here. The bed was huge, but it didn't even take up half of the room. There was a joined bathroom, but so did all of the rooms. We had the amazing view of the sunset from the large, arched shape window. It was a spectacular room, and so cosy. The cream curtains and carpet went perfectly with the plain blue walls. I loved it.

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