Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 -

Ciara's P.O.V

Saturday was good, I really got to know more about Derek and I can definitely see a close friendship coming. He took my mind off everything, and I didn't once think about the Harry incident. It turns out we have a lot in common, and we both had the same views on a lot of things.

Sunday was spent lazing around, doing nothing really. I got quite a few questions off the girls, wondering why I went out to him but not to them. They were suspicious again, but I guess this time they have the right to be. Not that anything happened, nor will it ever, but if they refused to go out to me and then went out to other people I'm pretty sure I'd be curious as to why.

"Ciara, are you paying attention?" My maths teacher asked, standing in front of me. Her clearly dyed blonde hair was hanging in front of her angry face, making her look almost devil like.

"Yeah.." I replied, looking at her guiltily. She shook her head, walking away from my desk.

"Alright, just remember its your Leaving Cert at the end of the day" she muttered, going back to explaining something about corresponding angles.

There it is again. The threat of the Leaving Cert. All we've gotten all day is shit like 'if you don't pay attention, you'll end up failing the Leaving' and 'You really have to focus on your work, the Leaving Cert doesn't take itself'.

I've been in for one school day and I'm already ready to top myself.

As soon as the bell rang and we got our homework, I was out of my seat like a shot, my stuff ready to be dumped into my locker and to get out and go home.

"So, what are you doing this weekend? I was thinking we could explore the place!" Derek suggested, catching up with me as I rushed to the lockers. This year already seemed a little less tedious because it turns out Derek is in all the same classes as me, so I was never left on my own. Not that there's much time for talking, but when we're walking between classes and stuff, I always have him.

"I'd love to, but we've been in for a day and we've already got a load of homework, I don't even want to think about how bad the weekend will be" I groaned, and his face fell at the realisation.

"I never thought of that... Well one day you'll show me all the great places in Ireland, because nobody else ever has!" he said excitedly.

I had to look down so he didn't see the pain that brought to me. That was one of the first things Harry ever said to me, before he asked me out, before I even realised how strong my feelings for him where.

"Yeah, one day I will" I agreed, smiling weakly at him. He looked at me, concerned, but I quickly walked ahead of him and straight to my locker, shoving the books I didn't need into it and grabbing my jacket. Jade and Ruth joined me a minute later, and the three of us started the difficult squeeze through bodies to exit the school building. Derek was close behind us, but he left with a quick goodbye as soon as we were outside.

I drove us home, dropping Jade at her house before heading to my own. I went straight to my room, deciding the best thing to do was to attack the huge pile of homework so that I could possibly get some time to myself before bed. I was finished by half nine, though a half an hour of the time consisted on eating my dinner.

When I was done, I went on Facebook only to find a friend request from a Derek Lacey. I accepted it with a laugh. Lacey, no wonder he never brought up his second name. Almost instantly my chat bleeped. We chatted easily for a while, asking each other about the homework and how much effort it is to do properly.


Haha, yeah!

So why didn't you tell me it's your birthday this Thursday?

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