Chapter 5

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Chaper 5 -

Ciara's P.O.V

We drove home in a nervous silence. I cant believe I forgot the fight between us and our mother. It's not like it was a small one, and I'm pretty sure that by the end of it, Ruth and I were all but disowned.


"Hey, mam.." Ruth said, walking slowly into the kitchen of our home. I followed quietly behind her, nervous about the coming conversation.

"What do you want now?" she asked, exasperated. She was stressed out to the max, her salon was really after picking up business, bookings were through the roof, and she was barely home. Maybe this wasn't the best time to ask something like this.

"Yano the way you love Harry and the boys?" She asked sweetly, smiling through her obvious fear of getting shouted at.

"Yeah, sure okay" she responded, showing no interest in the conversation. She flicked through the days newspaper, her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose as she read the daily stories.

"Well, they want us to go go on a holiday with them" she stated, not saying anything else, letting it sink in.

"That's nice. Where to?" She asked, still no interest in the conversation. This is the bit we knew she wouldn't be happy with - where we're going, and for how long.

"Ehm, Miami.." Ruth mumbled quietly, as if to soften the blow.

"So, you both want to go to Miami with 5 boys? Is it just you two? Well, I assume Jade is going" she muttered, her attention finally changing from the paper to the two of us, who were awkwardly standing by the table, me fidgeting with my phone, Ruth just staring.

"Yeah, and Danielle and Eleanor are going as well" I informed her. She always liked the older girls, and hopefully if she knows they're going to be there to keep an eye on us all, because that's what she seems to think Dani and El do, she might give us permission.

"Hmm. Okay, I don't see why not. When are you planning on going?" she questioned, giving us bored looks.

Me and Ruth smiled widely at each other, surprised at how easily she said yes!

"Ehm, next Monday, I think" Ruth replied, glancing at me for confirmation. I nodded, biting my lip, hoping that was the end of the conversation. Of course it wasn't, though.

"And how long is this holiday going to be?" She inquired, and I winced. I didn't want to tell her. Three months is a long time, and she barely lets us out of her sight for a week. Well, that's an exaggeration but still.

"Well, the whole summer. It's just, the boys are really good friends, and we never ever get to see them, and they have no work all summer, so they said they'd bring us to Miami with them. Everything is paid for, and you've technically already said yes, so there's nothing you can really say now anyway" Ruth rambled, making a 'too bad, we're going' face. Uh oh.

My mothers face changed to one of utter disbelief, and I could see the anger in her eyes.

"So, you're saying that you want to go off with a group of teenage boys for three months? I don't think so!" She snapped, glaring at us. I sighed, this is what I was expecting. I can't believe I thought she would actually say yes. I sighed, defeated.

"Well, why not?" Ruth asked, glaring right back. She always was the more argumentative of the two of us. A shit stirrer, to be exact.

"You're 16 years old, Ruth. And you, you're only 17! You can't go off galavanting with a group of boys. I'm sorry, you'll have to tell them you're not going" she snapped, standing up as if to end the conversation. But Ruth doesn't know when to stop.

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