Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - 

Harry's P.O.V

After easily a half an hour of being stuck in the crowded airport, because security was so unprepared for the amount of fans that arrived, we finally got out and into the car. We were all going back to our own block of flats, so we all sat together in a comfortable silence, though it was clear that we all had something on our mind. I was close to all the boys, and having spent so much time with them, I knew how to react to different moods. I knew to leave Niall, Liam and Zayn when they were upset, so it was only Louis I was worried about. He seemed very worked up this morning, and his mood didn't improve throughout the flight. It couldn't be anything to do with Eleanor, they were meeting up in a couple of days, and she was staying with him for a while.

I glanced at him, catching him looking at me. I raised an eyebrow, but he shrugged. I'd get him to explain later, he always does.

When we got to the block, we all jumped out, silently making our way to the apartments. Louis and I still shared ours, but we were thinking of maybe getting our own. It would definitely calm down the Larry Stylinson issue.

We walked into the cold, lifeless flat, and I stumbled to my room, attempting to carry all of my bags so I didn't have to come back out for a while. I didn't want to try and sleep though, I knew it would only get me thinking about Ciara again, so i needed a distraction.

I quickly unzipped the first suitcase, separating the dirty and clean clothes into piles. It was so eerily quiet though, so I walked over to my docking station, putting my phone on shuffle. The first few songs were upbeat and distracting, so I got a lot of the organising done. Just as I opened the second case, a song that felt all too relatable came on.

I found your hair band on my bedroom floor

The only evidence that you'd been here before

And I don't get waves of missing you anymore

They're more like tsunami tides in my eyes never getting dry 

I turned the song off, pulling my phone off the dock. I didn't want to listen to breakup songs. Yeah, me and Ciara haven't broken up, but I can't imagine it'll be too long now. She didn't even look upset!

After the other night, I thought thinks were going to be even better than usual. She didnt even say she fucking loves me. I began shoving my stuff into drawers, slamming them closed, and kicking shoes into corners. I mean, who says "see you" when they aren't going see there boyfriend for God knows how long? She didn't even give me the chance to kiss her, even for a second! She's my girlfriend of over a year, and all we had to say to each other was 'see you'. Yeah, good one, Styles. You've really got a great relationship going. I put some of my clothes into the wardrobe, slamming it when I was done.

"Harry! For gods sake, what's the matter?" he shouted, barging into my room, confusion written all over his features. I looked away, not wanting to talk to him. i knew id only take my anger towards Ciara out on him. But am I even mad at her? It's just as much my fault. We had a whole 10 hours on a plane, and I left it 'til the last minute to say bye. It's really my fault.

I sat on my bed, and put my face in my hands, sighing. I felt Louis sit down beside me.

"Harry tell me whats up? I could be able to help.." he mumbled, elbowing my side. I didn't look at him, but started muttering into my hands. I knew he could hear.

"I've screwed up, that's what's wrong! I don't think I'm going to have a girlfriend for much longer, Lou. When she was leaving, I told her I loved her. Do you want to know what she said? 'See you later, I'll text you.' She didn't even look upset, she just ran off. Surely you guys saw that?" I stomped my foot on the ground, feeling the anger build up again. I wanted to just shout at someone, preferably myself for being such a fuck up. The swirling emotions confused me, I can usually control my anger, keep it under lock and key. Maybe it's all just built up over a while, all the things that have pissed me off recently just wanting to explode.

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