Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-

Ciara's POV

We walked into the base room, and we sat beside each other.

"So where did you move from?" I asked, looking for anything to break the awkward silence.

"Well, I've moved a lot, but I'm from America. The last place I lived was Dublin, the Swords area, though. I hated it there. People were annoying, and there wasn't much to do" he explained, and I could detect some American accent behind his slight Dublin one.

"I'd love to live in America, it's amazing! Why would you move here, of all the places?" I asked, genuinely confused. From America to Ireland, his family must be crazy!

"My dad is from here, and he decided that after he divorced my mother he'd come home. I don't get on with my mom, so I said I'd come with him. It's not that bad here, I was 7 when I moved, so it's not like I really know what I'm missing" he explained. He didn't seem to care too much about his parents divorce, or moving, but I could see the pain in his eyes as he told me, like he was hiding something else that hurt him to think about.

"Oh, that's terrible, I -" I started, about to apologise, although I don't know why. What else do I say? He cut me off though, an icy look in his eyes.

"Don't. She cheated on my dad, it was bound to happen. I honestly don't care." he muttered. I was surprised at how open he was with everything. I knew this guy all of ten minutes, and he's already shared half of his life story with me.

"Oh, okay..." I mumbled, unsure of what to say.

"Anyway, what's it like around here? Anything cool to do?" he asked, changing the subject. I was thankful for that, hating awkward situations.

"Absolutely nothing. Unless you like sport, you're in for a boring time!" I answered, laughing drily. We sat down at two seats down the back of the class, ignoring the glances we were getting from people.

"Well, I'm definitely not sporty, so it looks like I'll need to find other things to pass the time.." he chuckled, throwing me a flirty wink. I blushed a bit, unsure of what to say back to that. I mean, I could never flirt back, I have a boyfriend. Luckily, Mr O'Leary decided to walk in, saving me from the conversation.

"Right everyone, you can see that we've a new person this year. His name is Derek, and he's new from Dublin. I'm sure you'll all do your best to make him feel welcome." The class all turned to stare at him again, and he responded with a quick nod and a small smile. If that was me, I would probably have turned bright red, completely embarrassed from all the attention.

Mr. O'Leary then went on to give us our timetables and locker numbers, sending us off to put our books into them, with a 'you better be quiet!' We rambled around the brightly painted corridors, until we reached the area where our lockers were placed.

"So, you looking forward to getting out of this place?" Derek asked, while putting the books he was given into his locker.

"Yeah. I think I'll miss it though, I've been here for six years.. I guess I'm used to the structure of it all, it's going to be weird having to live in the real world" I sighed, closing my locker door, locking it afterwards.

"Yeah, that's understandable. I can't wait to get out of school, it's a pain in the ass. Everything is just a lead up to these big exams, and if you mess it up, that's that" he muttered as we began the walk back to our class.

"I completely agree! We could be the best students and do great during the year, but if we have one bad day, then we're screwed! It pisses me off!" I agreed. The Leaving Cert was always a touchy topic for me, I honestly believed it was the worst system a country could have.

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