Chapter 13

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I'm so sorry that I'm updating so infrequently, and that it's so short I'm just so busy:/ after a couple of weeks I'll have loads of time, so please still read it <3

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Ciara's P.O.V

I pulled away, shocked at what was happening. For a minute, I was kissing him back, and that really freaked me out! "Derek!" I screeched, and he smiled. He looked proud, glancing behind me. I looked around, and saw the group of girls running out of the theatre. Weird. "What the hell was that about? I have a fucking boyfriend you douche!" I shouted, and turned to walk out. He grabbed onto my arm, spinning me back around. "You kissed me back! Don't deny it! And yeah, a boyfriend that you haven't spoke to in days! Great relationship there, eh?" he snapped, fury in his eyes. My pissed off expression faltered, but I quickly snapped back "Just get lost! I thought we could just be friends, but of course fucking not!" I turned without giving him a last glance, and ran out of the place.

"Ciara, come on! Don't be so stupid. Okay, I made a mistake, I just wanted to see. Now I see you don't want anything like that from me, so everything will be fine? Although, from that kiss, you might just be confused about what you're saying." He shouted, running after me. I stopped, hating that he was right. I did kiss him back, all because he's been so nice! I know him a week, but it felt like so much longer. He was just the prefect guy, or so I thought. I didn't understand how everyone in the school didn't like him? It's like they just turned on him at the first glance, and it always pissed me off! The fact my best friends did the same, annoyed me more, but I didn't let it affect me that much. "I only kissed back because... I was so confused. I'm still upset over Harry, Derek, and you took advantage of that. So please, leave me alone." I growled, closing my eyes to try and calm down. "Ciara, can't we forget it?" he asked, tilting my chin so my head faced up at him. I opened my eyes, and his glittering blue ones instantly caught them in an intense gaze. After a couple of seconds, I broke it, and turned towards the bus stop. He wasn't winning.


After waiting for ages for the bus, I eventually got home. It was half one in the morning, and I knew I was in deep shit. I silently snook into the dark hall, and quickly walked to the stairs. "Get in here now." I heard my mothers voice come from the sitting room. Crap. I walked slowly in, making sure my earlier thought up excuse was believable. "Where were you?" she muttered, glaring at me. The telly was flickering in the background, with some repeat of a game show. "Well, Derek's car broke down, and, eh, he had to wait for the mechanic or whatever to come out. I had no signal, so I couldn't text. I'm so sorry!" I stammered. She probably wouldn't believe me, and see through the lie, but sure at least I tried. "I warned you Ciara. I really don't know what I'm going to do with you. I thought you understood when I said any more trouble would have you out." she explained, and the disappointment in her voice made me so guilty. "Mam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so late, the car just-" "Yeah the car broke down, I heard. Just go to bed, and I'll talk to your dad about it." she interrupted, and turned back to the television. That was the end of the conversation, so I turned to go to bed.

Derek's P.O.V

It didn't bloody work! For Gods sake! All that happened was she got pissed off! Although, a few girls did get pictures after they recognised Ciara. Hopefully they'll get them to Harry, and then it didn't work out all that bad.

The worst part was, she was pissed off to the max with me. She actually hated me, I could tell. Even if she didn't, she was so disappointed and upset. What she said about taking advantage, that cut deep.

She had went to the bus stop, and I knew there wasn't a bus for a good few hours, so I sat a bit in the distance to make sure nothing happened to her. There was no talking her around, so I was better off just sitting there. When the bus came, and she got on, I followed after it. I was worried that something would happen to her, especially since it was my fault she was even going on the bus.

I slammed the car door when I got home, and stomped up to my house door. Nobody was up, luckily enough, so I made it to my room without interruption. I was so annoyed at myself, but I would sort it tomorrow. Right now; I just needed to sleep.

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry! What are you- Woah what's all this?" Louis called from the TV room. I walked into him, and he looked up. "Did you see it then?" I asked, and he looked as confused as I felt. "The fans are crazy, they probably just photoshopped you out of a picture" he shrugged, and I really tried to believe that. "I've never been there Lou.." I sighed. He looked up, and tried again "Maybe they photoshopped her into it?" I tried to believe that aswell, but I knew it was all real. "What am I meant to do Lou? I can't lose her..." I croaked, and tears sprang to my eyes. I sat down on the couch, sinking into it. "It will be fine, it's probably a mistake. You'll find out this weekend, it will be fine!" he soothed, patting my leg. "If it's true, she'll tell me. It was probably an accident, right? It's only been a week, things can't have changed that much..." I sighed, not knowing what to do. He smiled, and was about to say something when his phone rang. "Hey......Yeah I did..........Yeah, I don't really know what to do........I think it's best to leave it.........Yeah, maybe she'll know.......Okay, talk to you later!" he hung up, and I looked questioningly at him. That had to be about all this, but he wouldn't tell me anyway. "It was just Niall. Look I'm going for a shower, then to bed, so I'll talk to you tomorrow morning! Just try forget it, it's a mistake Harry!" he left the room, running up the stairs.

I sat for hours, reading through the things people were saying, and all the pictures being passed around. They were all the same ones, but I couldn't stop myself looking at them all.... Some of the fans were saying horrible things about Ciara, and I was so tempted to tweet them hurtful stuff back, but they were just trying to defend me... I started getting upset when I saw people defending her. There were things like 'he's brilliant, but she deserves more' and 'it's not like he's even a good boyfriend? Especially not since Larry is going on!' It was true, she didn't deserve me, but did they really think I was a bad boyfriend? "Harry, go to bed. This isn't helping anything" Louis whispered, taking hold of my arm. I walked slowly up the stairs, and just lay down on my bed, falling asleep still fully dressed.

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