Chapter 14

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Another update! YAY! Lol, well I hope this is good, cause I dunno when the next update will be :/ sorry! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Vote and Comment please?:)


Ciara's POV

It took hours to fall asleep, and when I did it was short and pointless. My alarm buzzed at half six, and I got up to have a shower. I dressed and walked out of my room, and straight into a furious Ruth. "What have you done!?" she whisper shouted. I was confused, what could she be talking about? She couldn't know, she doesn't talk to Derek, and I didn't tell anyone. "W-what?" I stuttered, suddenly very worried. "Have you been on twitter? Haven't you seen what all the fans are tweeting? Why did you do it Ciara? I knew he didn't just want to be friends! We warned you!" she ranted, but I wasn't even listening anymore. I whipped out my phone, and clicking on the twitter application, I saw my mentions had a blue dot. I clicked on it, and there were so many tweets! #HarryIsSingle was trending, and pictures were being tweeted. I clicked to see what was going on, and I almost dropped my phone in shock.

"Where the fuck did that picture come from?" I squealed, horrified. It was a picture of Derek kissing me last night, only it was the millisecond I kissed him back! "You care more about the fact that there is a picture of it!? CIARA YOU CHEATED ON HARRY!" she snapped, and I flinched. "I didn't, he kissed me and I was so surprised.. I didn't know what was happening! Ruth I would never do that to him!" I cried, my eyes filling with tears. Harry probably already saw it, so trying to explain myself would be pointless. "Jade was talking to Niall, he told her that Harry saw it, and he's confused. Look we better go, we're meeting Jade a bit early so we can try sort this mess out." she told me, and turned to walk down the stairs. Ugh.

* * * * *

We met up with Jade outside the school, a half an hour early for school. She didn't shout at me, she actually gave me a hug. "What did that stupid prick do!?" she asked, making me laugh. "I haven't a clue, but when I see him, he's getting a slap" I growled, annoyed again. I can't believe the bastard would leak pictures! "Niall was talking to Lou, himself and Harry are confused. He doesn't think you'd cheat on him, but the pictures are making him all insure" she explained, looking at me pitifully. Ruth just stood glaring at nothing in particular, angry at the world. "I didn't cheat on him! I went out to the cinema for my birthday with a friend, and he kissed me! I just reacted badly! Ugh, them stupid fans! They need to butt out of things!" I snapped, and this time the other girls flinched. They gave each other wary looks, but all thoughts of them disappeared when a familiar car drove up behind mine.

Derek jumped out of the passenger side, and said something to whoever was driving. I looked at them, and saw a woman that was almost his double. It couldn't be his mother, she was in America, but she was too old to be his sister. I didn't care about that right now though, so I started to walk towards him, angry completely taking over me. I could vaguely hear Ruth and Jade call me, but I wasn't listening. My mind was set on this asshole, and until he got a piece of it, it was staying there. "Leave it mom, I'll explain later." he snapped, slamming the door. Mom? Has he just been lying all along? This added to my anger. I reached him just as the car drove away. He looked up, and I slapped him as hard as I could. The sound of my palm striking his cheek echoed all around the car park, that was slowly filling up with teachers. "What the fuck!?" he snapped, rubbing his cheek. "Are you messing? Do you actually need to ask!?" I hissed through gritted teeth. "I apologised already for kissing you! If you had of hit me last night, I would understand, but you didn't seem so angry last night!" he shouted, surprising me. There was anger in his eyes, and something else. Sorrow, maybe. "Well last night I didn't know you had someone take pictures and then put them all over the Internet so my fucking boyfriend would see it! What the hell is your problem you!? Could you not have just left it when you kissed me? I felt so guilty, I didn't know how I was going to tell him! But no, you had to beat me to it, and have all the fans send fucking pictures to him?!" I cried, "and not only that, but you've been lying to me! I though you lived with your dad because your man cheated on you? What the hell is going on with you, you need to get yourself checked out, you have some psychotic problem!" His jaw was gradually dropping throughout my rant, and I noticed a crowd was gathering, but that didn't stop either of us. "First of all, I didn't get someone to take fucking pictures! There was a group of girls there, fans of your boyfriends gay band, and they took the pictures! And I'm glad they did, cause not only will it ruin Harry's relationship with you, but it was give them dickheads the bad publicity they deserve! They think they're all this and that, but they need to cop on! They all but killed Lucy! If it wasn't for them, she'd still be alive, and I wouldn't even be here! And yeah, I did lie, but I needed you to feel sorry for me; and saying I had no mother seemed to have a bigger affect than having no dad! Because who cares if my dad is dead? Who cares if my girlfriend killed herself? Nobody; people only care that I have no fucking mother, that she abandoned me. I figured that out over the last few months, so I'm sorry that I lied, but I needed you to like me, so I could do to you and your piece of shit boyfriend what he did to me." he roared, and the caring side of me tried to poke its head out, but there was no way he was going to get me back on his side. He could sell his stupid pity story, but what am I meant to believe anymore!? "Don't you dare insult them boys! They have done things for some people, that others could never do. Im sorry that you have a difficult life, but what right have you to decide how other people should be punished? How is it there fault this Lucy girl killed herself? She didn't fucking have to, so don't dare say it was them. If you have any brains, you'll just leave this place before I personally make your life hell." I growled, walking away.

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