Chapter 15

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Haha! Apparently I write more when I'm meant to be studying! Heehee :D

Can you please please please vote and comment, I really need a bit of feedback!!!!!

Thanks :D



Ciara's POV

My jaw dropped, surprise taking over. The boys were standing there, talking among themselves. They didn't see me arrive, but Harry looked up, an smile taking over his face. I couldn't help the smile that came to my lips, and the two of us slowly walked towards each other. All angry thoughts about Derek cleared from my mind. The fact that the guy I love was standing right there, a foot away, made my mood fly high. As soon as we were close enough, I wrapped my arms around him, falling into that gorgeous smell that I grew so used to. He wrapped his arms around me, and held me tight. We stood like that for what seemed like hours, and I knew I could have stayed there forever. Unfortunately, one of the boys cleared their throat, and we pulled away. My cheeks turned a slight shade of pink at the smirks we were getting from the other boys. "So, are Ruth and Jade allowed be robbed as well?" Zayn asked hopefully, looking at the secretary. She scowled, but went on the computer to look them up. Zayn and Niall smiled, glad to be seeing their girls. Well Zayns girl, whatever was happening with Jade and Niall was beyond me at this stage.

"Right, I'll be back in a minute." she muttered, glaring at us all she walked off. "Well hello anyway!" Louis said, coming over and hugging me. The other boys followed suit, and then I was stuck in the middle of all of them, except Harry, hugging me. He looked at me, a pained expression on his face. The boys all pulled away, and I walked over to Harry. "Hey..." he mumbled. "Hi" I said, looking into his green eyes. They shone like emeralds, confusion and hurt taking them over. I closed my eyes and looked down, afraid I would tear up. He tipped up my chin, making me look at him. "Come on, when the other two come we're getting food" he explained, smiling again. I didn't say anything, I just nodded, and he hugged me again. I loved being in his arms, it made me feel safe.

"Look miss, I'd appreciate if you explained why we are being taken out of class!!" Jades voice carried around the corner. Oh God, she never knows when to just go with things. We all sniggered, knowing she wouldn't be so moany in a minute. They turned the corner and Ruth saw us all straight away. Unlike Jade, who was glaring menacingly at the old secretary, Ruth was actually looking out for some clues. A big grin broke out on Zayn's face when he saw her, and he ran to her, pulling her into a tight hug. Jade looked up in time to see this happen, and looked around in confusion. As soon as her eyes locked on all the boys, her confusing turned to pure joy. "And you couldn't have just told me they were here!?" she complained to the lady, who just rolled her eyes and walked away. "Come on Jade, give the woman a break!" Niall laughed, and winked at her. A cheeky smile spread across her face, and she snapped "Sorry gay boy, didn't realise you were into her" she said sweetly, and all the boys cracked up. "Sorry babe, but I only have eyes for one person in this room" he smirked back. "Oh yeah, I forgot you fancied Liam...."she winked, causing Niall to glare. "You know well who I'm talking about!" he muttered, walking towards her. She so has him whipped. Relationship or not, it was obvious. Speaking of whipped, Ruth had Zayn wrapped around her little finger as well. It's only been a week! These girls work fast! I looked towards the cute couple, and they were full on shifting![a/n Irish version of snogging/making out!] Ewww! "Lads, get a room! Louis snapped, laughing. Someone had to say it! They pulled apart, Ruth turning slightly red, whereas Zayn looked chuffed with himself. Typical man, I thought, rolling my eyes. "Right, I'm hungry! Food time!" Niall announced, grabbing Jades hand and walking towards the door. Everyone followed, Harry holding my hand. I hope everything is okay with us..

* * * * * *

They took us to a 80's American style diner just outside Dublin. I text my mam, telling her myself and Ruth were going to be home pretty late, we had a project to do with Jade and she was busy all weekend. I hated to lie to her, but she really didn't like the boys very much since the holiday. She replied with an ok, and I knew we would be in trouble if we were too late. "Hey, how can I help you?" an over eager, underdressed waitress asked, when we walked in. The boys exchanged humorous glances, used to this kind of behaviour. "We'll have a table for eight!" Louis requested with a smile. "Sorry, we only have two free tables, one for two and one for six." she informed us, checking the guys out. I stifled a giggle, finding her blatant obviousness hilarious. "Can you put them together?" Niall asked, as if it was the most obvious thing to do. Jade let out a laugh at that, buying herself a death glare. "They're on opposite sides of the place. Look, other people are waiting." she snapped. "We'll take the two seater" I blurted out. Me and Harry needed to talk, it was handy that we were in this predicament. "Yeah, we will. Come on" Harry agreed walking to the only two seated empty table, understanding that it was best we were on our own.

We sat down at the table, and picked up the menu to see what we could get. I wasn't too hungry, because the nerves were driving me crazy. "Harry..." I started, and then stopped, not knowing what to say. "Wait til we've ordered babe" he muttered, not even looking up. "Are you ready to order?" a different waitress asked, looking less like she wanted to hop on my boyfriend. "I'll have the hot dog and fries with a large coke" Harry requested. "I'll have the same." I said, not bothered to look properly. She took down the order, smiled and walked away. "Right. Ciara, I don't know what happened with whoever that guy is, and to be honest I don't want to know. I just want to know what's the deal with us? Are we over?" he asked, not giving me the chance to say everything. "It was him, Harry. He caught me by surprise, I didn't expect anything of the sort to happen! He weaselled his way into being my friend, by lying and making me feel sorry for him. And then he made sure there were people to take them stupid pictures! I wouldn't have ever done anything like that! I swear..." I trailed off, my heart breaking. He wasn't going to believe me, I could tell. I was going to lose one of the best things that have ever happened to me, and it was all that stupid dickheads fault! "Ciara...I....I love you." he choked out, looking me straight in the eyes. I saw do much truth there, and it almost made me cry. "I love you too, I really do!" I cried, biting my lip. Maybe there was a chance that he believed me. "Promise me that you'll never go near him again. I trust you, I really do. I just don't trust that asshole" he growled. "Trust me Harry, I'm not going anywhere near him." I promised, causing a smile to spread across his face. He leaned across the table, and kissed me. It was one of the sweetest kisses ever, but it was interrupted by a small cough. The waitress had arrived with our food, which was pretty quick if you ask me. "Enjoy" she snapped putting it on the table and walking away. What's her deal?

We were eating our food, when Harry's phone beeped. He opened it, and looked towards the booth where everyone else was sitting. I looked as well, and they were all staring over, Niall giving us the thumbs up, with a goofy grin on his face. "What's that?" I asked, when noise started coming out of Harry's phone. "Jade sent me a video of you. This morning. What?" he asked, looking confused. "Oh God. I was really annoyed." I groaned, covering my face with my hands. Halfway through the video, he started laughing, and when it was down he said "Aw, you're brilliant. You did all that, to try save us?" he asked, pride clear in his eyes. "Well I didn't even know she was going to video it!" I mumbled, looking at the table. He laughed, and then sighed. "What?" I asked, looking at him. "I really want to kiss you again, but I don't think the workers would appreciate it!" he explained, winking at me. I giggled, and then leaned over to kiss him. This time it lasted longer, because there was nobody to interrupt us. Well, until the boys started whistling. We broke apart, laughing at them. It looks like things will be fine after all.

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