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Criss Angel here, yeah I know you all know me already...well this story about me was not about magic or my fame and fortune...this story I want to share with you now...is about my personal life after I suffered from the heartache of losing my fiance Belinda...my family and loyals told me that she was no good...but I couldn't see past the illusion she put me in...I thought she loved me for me...but all she loved...was the same thing all the other females that so called loved me...only love what they could get out of me.

I was so bummed out...I lost interest in everything that had to do with Vegas...and I just wanted to get away from it all...and not to my usual getaways...because they were the places where I took Belinda and the other girls that messed up my life and broke my heart...no I wanted and needed to go someplace new...someplace I'd never been in the USA...I've been to many countries...and still haven't visited all the states in the US...so just to make it interesting for me...I pulled out the USA map and closed my eyes and grabbed one of my darts from the board...and tossed it...then I slowly opened my eyes and looked where the dart landed...of all the states on the map it landed on fucking Nevada...I snickered to myself and said try again asswipe...I stepped back again and spun around twice then tossed the dart again...this time I had better luck...the dart landed on Kansas.

I gave a sigh and said at least I could be honest and say I've never been there...then I thought to myself and wondered if there was anything in that state or not...but I shrugged it off and said it didn't matter...because that was where I was going to get away for a while...at first I wanted to go by myself...but then I thought a little harder and said I didn't want to be lonely either...so I asked my family if they wanted to go on a crazy and probably very dull vacation with me...I couldn't ask my buddy Sully...because he was somewhere in Germany doing his concert for another two weeks...then he would be back in the states...but I didn't want to wait that long...then I thought of my even older buddy Stoney aka Klayton Scott...but he was working really hard on his next Scandroid album...and didn't really want to bother him with my petty problem...but just for the hell of it...I gave him a call anyway.

Stoney was in the shower when his phone rang...he quickly hopped out of it and raced to his cell thinking it was one of his producer's for his album...then when he saw my name come up he gave a deep sigh and asked me what in the hell was I doing bothering him while he was trying to take a shower...then added what ever happened to my great intuition and knowing that I was in the shower...instead of making him run buck ass naked thru the house searching for his damned phone. I chuckled at him and told him I just wanted to call to ask him if he would like to join me on a little vacation trip to Kansas...because I was so stressed that I needed to get away from it all...and that I would really like to have my buddy go with me.

Klayton blew raspberries at me thru the phone...then asked sarcastically if it was alright if he got some clothes on first...I laughed with him and told him to please do!...because I didn't want to see his naked ass...then I told him that I would be over a little later to come pick him up...then I added that my family was coming too...he said that was cool that he didn't mind hanging with the Sarantakos family...after all, he was raised with them...then he snickered as he hung up on me so he could get dressed and all packed for the trip to nowhere USA...as he called it...me I didn't know because I have never been there...all I could say was I was rather excited about seeing someplace new...no matter how boring the place might or might not be.

I got packed very quickly because for as much as I loved my home...I just had to get away from all the bad and hurtful memories I was feeling there at the moment...then I headed over to the Luxor where my brothers were still working at my Mindfreak Store and Liquidity...but fortunately I called them first and said they were all packed and ready to go...they just wanted to close up first. I ran in and helped them toss their luggage in my RV...and told them that I was going to hook my phantom up behind the RV so in case we wanted to leave the RV and travel around we wouldn't have to drive the RV everywhere. Our mom came down and said this was going to be fun and relaxing compared to all the hustle and bustle of this crazy city.

We all loaded up in the RV...then I told them I had one more stop to make...that Stoney was coming along for the ride too...my mom gave me a smile and said that was refreshing...then added that it's been a long time since she's seen, Stoney...and missed his silliness...and his obsession with Godzilla. I snickered to myself when she reminded me of when we were kids that he and I would stay up all damn night watching monster vision and fright night tv that usually had Godzilla marathons...it was one of the best moments in my childhood life...just as I snapped out of it...I found myself pulling up in the driveway...and honked over three times before he came running out of the house holding his bag and his damned cat Stutter...but what could I say...Hammie was back in my bedroom in the RV sleeping on my pillow...at least now he would have a buddy to curl up with...I opened the door as he slid in and said he was ready for his vacation to nowhere USA...then he handed my mom Stutter and said his son was ready too. then he gave everyone a hug and kissed our mom on the cheek then sat up in the passenger seat next to me and said let's get outta here. JD and Costa were sound asleep one was on the couch...and the other one was sound asleep in the recliner...my mom was petting Stutter while reading her book...I took one last look at the city then pulled out and said we are outta here!

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