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Sirius was walking down the hallway to Defense with James. It was close to the middle of December, and all he could think about was Christmas at James's house. Euphemia and Fleamont always greeted him with the utmost love and support, unlike his real parents.

The castle wasn't even decorated yet, but there were rumors (James swore he didn't start them) that Hagrid had finally found a tree so tall they'd need to make the Great Hall bigger in order to fit it.

"Sirius? I have a question." Lily asked innocently. Her green eyes blinked up at him with too much innocence, Sirius had seen this before, in James's expression after pranking someone.

"Yes Lily?" He asked, feigning ignorance.

"James wanted to see if you could tell him where you put his Head Boy badge. He seems to be missing it."

Sirius snorted and looked over to see that she was right. James was struggling to search everywhere.

"It's not funny Padfoot!" He snapped. "I can't find it, and Professor Ackler isn't going to be pleased that I'm missing key parts of my uniform!"

Sirius only laughed louder at this, then turned to Lily. "Where'd you put it Lily? It seems you've got him in a right mess! And he blames me, tsk tsk." He waved his finger in James's face before sprinting down the corridor. James followed, and faint words made their way back to Lily.

"Where'd you put it!?"

"Don't get your knickers in a twist Prongsie, I haven't got it."

"Well who else wou- LILY!" Lily smirked and then winced.

"My cover's broken, gotta get to class boys!" She shouted, pulling it out of her pocket and dropping the badge on the floor.

"Oi, Evans!" James called after her, then mumbled under his breath. "I thought dating her would make her less aggressive."

"It did Prongsie. She didn't yell at you, she laughed and ran. Seems like an improvement to me."

James glared at him, and Remus found them at that exact moment. He shook his head at the looks they were giving each other.

"Alright, who did it? Cause it wasn't me." He asked, then saw the badge in James's hand. He gasped and choked in laughter.

"What?" James stared at it. Then he saw what had changed. "Hey, Lils!"

The badge didn't say Head Boy anymore, it said Bigheaded Boy. Sirius and Remus's laughter echoed down the corridor, and it only intensified when Lily replied.

"I thought it suited you!"


James hadn't had time to change the badge back, and during the whole class, people noticed. It became sort of a running joke, James the Bigheaded Boy.

But James was able to laugh it off, even though the Slytherins had also laughed, and at him, not with him. He was beyond school yard bullies, because he wasn't one anymore. Sirius had a jolly time as well, telling people that the Bigheaded Boy would give them detention if they didn't laugh.

Even Peter, after his rough night was able to smile and laugh about it. And that was what the Marauders did, make the people around them smile. In wartime, it was a skill as coveted as being able to duel. The Marauders were the heart of the Order, and that was why.

"Thanks Lily, you sure made our day!" Sirius sang as he pranced into the common room. "I would marry you if deer Prongsie didn't already claim you!"

"Don't you mean Bigheaded Boy?" Lily smirked as James came up to her.

"Please fix it Lils, please, I need my pride, it's bruised, I'll die!" He plead, on his knees before her. She giggled.

"Fine Jamsie, just a minute." Again it was getting soppy, and Sirius made a face. It was weird sometimes to watch , even after they had been dating for a while. Again he was the first to fall asleep, and for the first time in months, he experienced a terrible dream.

He looked down at the body at his feet. The house was silent, and he shivered. Marlene McKinnon lay at his feet, dead. It was a horrible day, all of them were murdered in cold blood by the Dark Lord.

"Sirius, come quickly! We have terrible news!" A patronus was best to him suddenly, a Phoenix. Dumbledore's voice rang out from it. He immediately jumped to attention.

"Where?" He shouted, his mind going to the switch, the secret keeper switch.

"The Potter's former residence, quickly now." His heart shriveled up inside. He choked and felt tears already forming. He immediately dissaperated from the scene, Order Member's were already appearing. He had more taxing matters to attend to.

He saw the home, which was a bad sign indeed, the Fidelius Charm no longer had anyone to protect, and ran inside. In the hall to the stairs he found James.

"James! Come on mate, please wake up!" When James just stared blankly at the ceiling, Sirius felt a bond break within him, and anger overcame sadness.

"No!" He howled, his voice carrying to Hagrid outside, who hung his head. "James! C'mon, you promised!" Then he remembered. "I'm sorry, I should have listened, now you're dead because I was too insolent to listen! I might as well've killed you myself! Oh, what've I done!" Then he remembered Lily and Harry were still in the house somewhere.

When he pushed the door open, he found Lily the same as James, and the wail grew in his throat as the loss settled in clearly. "James! Lily! No, not you, why! It's all my fault!"

Through his cries of torturous yelling, he heard a cry. Instantly, he stilled. Then, slowly, carefully, he looked into the crib. Harry was alive, and he seemed to be fine, despite all the crying. And the cut on his forehead, like lightning.

He scooped Harry up, eager to leave the house, needed to get away from the dead bodies of his friends, needing to deal with a certain traitor.

"Here Hagrid, take him to Dumbledore. You can use the bike."

"Why me Mr Black? Why not yerself?"

"Because, I have more pressing matters to address." He knew where he'd find Peter, and he'd kill him for what he'd done. Sirius Black disapparated from the scene, not knowing it was the last time he would ever do so as a free man.

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