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The world was spinning. Sirius made note of this as he struggled to breathe, panic ensuing his thoughts as they all looked at him. It didn't feel right to tell them, this was private.

"I-" He looked at his feet. "It's private." He murmured.

"But also important. There has to be a reason these things are visiting us, it can't simply be that we're that important." Lily pointed out sharply. "And we aren't, James Potter, an arrogant arse you're being again." She told James off before even looking at him. Then she took a look at Sirius's face and her tone of voice softened.

Sirius tried to chuckle. "An arrogant arse...try saying that three times fast."

"That's not even hard," Peter said, trying it.

Lily sighed and rolled her eyes. "Don't try and change the subject. If what they say is true, Sirius, then you will save many lives. Why forfeit that for your sake? Wouldn't you like to save our lives?"

"Who said we're going to die?" James said. "We'll stand beside you, no matter what happens Sirius. I trust you all to a fault. Why can't you repay that?"

"Look, I'm sorry." Sirius steadied his breathing and glared at James. "I didn't know I was supposed to update you on every dream I have. I didn't know it was your business what I suffer at night, except maybe I don't suffer. I don't want you worrying about something that isn't bad."

"How do we know that?" Remus butted in. "I hate to say this, Sirius, but James and Lily are right. We don't have any idea what's going on, and we're your brothers, Sirius, of course we worry about you!" He turned his gaze onto Sirius. "Decima was captured, but do we know if her captor is good or bad? Nona, well, Nona's got something off about her, we all noticed Sirius, and Morta is in the hold of Voldemort."

"He doesn't take prisoners lightly," Sirius said, his voice strained. "I know that. But Decima also told me that Voldemort having Morta in his grasp was a very bad thing. She wouldn't say that if she was evil!"

"People lie, Sirius! How could you not see this. Each of them has their issues, but none of them has helped yet! Everything that's been done has driven us apart!" It was James who yelled this, his demeanor angry. Sirius knew that James was concerned for him, often times when a person is angry, there is another emotion fueling it.

"I-if I don't help her, you'll die Prongs." Sirius said, his voice cracking. "You'll be murdered, in your own house. That dream I had? Well it was a premonition of the future, D-" But James cut him off.

"Decima said that didn't she? Nothing is certain! These-these deities are playing with us! Why can't you SEE THAT!" James suddenly spat at his mate, the frustration at being left out and the knowledge he might die laying heavily on his shoulders.

Sirius couldn't take being yelled at anymore. He silently got up and walked away, out of the room, away from prying eyes and burning questions, only to run into someone.

"Bloody hell." He muttered, only to look up and see Frank Longbottom looking down at him. "Frank! What're you doing here?!"

"Visiting. I was allowed leave after catching a few more Death Eaters in Diagon Alley. So I decided I was behind on visiting my old school. How's seventh year treating ya? You're almost done, can you believe it?"

He smiled at Frank, desperate not to show that he was on the verge of panicking. "It's great, Frank, it really is! Hard, stressful, but at the same time it's full of new opportunities."

"Should I be afraid of you right now? What opportunities?" Frank knew that Sirius was a very capable prankster, but it seemed that Sirius noticed something.

"It's nearly one in the morning, Frank. If you were coming to visit, wouldn't you choose a more savory time frame?" He watched as Frank burst into laughter.

"Sly one, you are, yes, you are right. I'm not here to visit. I'm surprised you bought that at all, being a prankster and all."

"It's a sly dog, actually, and I know." He heard someone climbing out of the portrait hole.


Frank looked over, still laughing. "Looks like someone's looking for you, I'd better head to Dumbledore."

"You won't tell me why you're here?" Sirius asked hopefully, giving Frank his puppy eyes.

"No, sorry. It's Order business."

"But I am in the Order!" Sirius begged, all while trying to avoid getting caught by Remus, who was the one who had climbed out to find him.

"Sorry, it's gotta be discussed with Dumbledore first mate. Then I've gotta get back to Alice." Sirius sighed at this and tugged at his jumper, which he had gone to bed in. It was one James had gifted him one Christmas.

"Ok then." He ran off, not even looking back when Frank called after him in alarm. He had to get away, he had to speak to Nona. If he knew where Morta was, he knew where the tool was that could cut the string of Februus.

"Nona!" He shouted into the corridor angrily. "Show yourself!"

Nothing happened for a few minutes, until Sirius called again, his tone desperate. She didn't even appear, but three words appeared in his head.

Get the scissors

He knew the first action he must take then. Rescue Morta, she could cut the string and cause death, free Decima from her prison by cutting Februus's string, and then hoping Nona got whatever she wanted.

"Sirius?!" Remus's voice shouted behind him. Sirius already steeled himself. He knew his way around Malfoy Manor well enough to escape and sneak around without being caught. He just needed to grab James's invisibility cloak and not get caught. That was going to be difficult. First of all, James wasn't on the best terms with him right now. Secondly, getting into Malfoy Manor was hard enough, let alone getting out.

It had to be done, however. And nobody was going to stop him.

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