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Morta looked at Orion, who was hopping around howling in pain and fury. Her eyes frightened Sirius. "Now there's one human who deserves an early death."

Then she sighed. "I guess we should escape."

Sirius gasped as he was suddenly back at Hogwarts.

"Goodness, that was close, wasn't it?" Morta pretended to wipe sweat off her forehead. "I'm glad we all made it out ok."

Sirius realized they were back in the Great Hall, and just before this registered in his tired mind, four pairs of arms were wrapped tightly around his midsection. He made a squeak as they squeezed the guts out of him. He saw it was James, Remus, and Peter. Those he weren't too surprised about. It was McGonagall that surprised him.

"Sirius." James murmured, and Sirius was surprised to see he was crying. Then a punch echoed throughout the hall, and all four of them sprawled onto the floor.

"James!" Minnie exclaimed, as she was now struggling to untangle herself from Peter and Remus, who were trying to tend to Sirius, who was nursing a bloody nose.

"What the hell mate!" James yelled, his eyes big and full of tears. Sirius did nothing to stop his best mate from lashing out, he did deserve it he supposed. "We almost all died because of you! It didn't even succeed because of you. We also thought you were dead. Do you have any idea what that feels like?"

"No, I don't, and I never will." Sirius looked at the ground. "I know I'm the most egocentric, impulsive, idiotic friend. There's no reason to even look at me right now." When James just stood there silently for a moment, Sirius repeated what he said. Or rather, screamed it.

"HOW CAN YOU EVEN LOOK AT ME?" James still didn't move. Sirius felt the tears start to come before slow clapping was heard.

"Well, what I just heard was a whole lot of tears, relief, frustration, and lagging about!" Morta cried. Next to her, in a deranged fashion, stood Nona, her eyes wide and full of wonder.

"Sister, you lived. You must help us save Deci!"

"Shut it, Nona. You planned on stealing Regulus' soul anyhow, you cannot speak of saving people without recognizing how many lives you have wasted. Also, Remus is the one who holds the key to all of this." She nodded to him. "Remus, dear? Care to enlighten us upon my scissors?"

"You make a pair of scissors sound magnificent." Peter choked out a slight laugh.

"That's because these ones are, Peter. They've cut the lives of many billions of people short in one fell swoop. You have no idea how truly powerful they are."

This made all their smiles go away.

"Now boys, this century please." Nona rolled her eyes, but Sirius wasn't about to let her go with out a word.

"What'd ya mean bout stealing my brother's soul, eh? The hell was that about?!" Sirius took the glowing tool and held it behind his back. "Where is he now?"

"He's in trouble right now, that's where." Nona sighed. "The only way to fix everything is let Deci out. That is only going to happen if you give me the scissors. Now."

Sirius wasn't about to back down, but neither was Morta. "Boy, give me those now, if I have to ask again they will be torn from your grasp, whether you let go or not." Her dead eyes flamed. "I've watched a millennium pass with out my sister, and I'm not about to let a puny mortal stop me."

"I am not a puny mortal, not by any means." Sirius countered. "I'm the only one who can visit Decima. She doesn't even know how exactly I do it! How d'ya think you're going to do it?"

Meanwhile, the whole Order stood in silence. Minnie seemed stuck in a state of confusion, her eyes flitting from Morta to Sirius and back.

"Everybody's waiting, Sirius." Nona said, flashing her trademark smirk.

"I'll do it myself." Sirius didn't know if this would work, but he was so tired he was sure he would at least achieve the first part. He held his breath and concentrated on the night's events. Tremors shot through him as he remembered all the terrible things said about him.

"What're you doing Sirius?" He heard someone hiss. He ignored them. He felt his eyes begin to feel heavy, when a burning cough made it's way up his throat. It launched him into a coughing fit. He must've been getting sick from the cold and the trauma.

"Merlin, why did you think this was a good idea?!" He felt James' arms steadying him. "There are better ways to pass out than to give yourself a bloody attack!"

"I-I know." He felt the coughing die down and felt Morta's gaze on him.

"Urgh, you're all incredibly stupid. I have the power of death. Near death is a mere glance for me. Let me

"What?" James spat, creating a wall with Remus and Peter. Sirius just stood there, trembling. He knew he had to get to Decima. He also knew his brother's lives were at stake.

"Do it."

The words rang in the hall, everyone's faces stony or shocked, no one looked pleased.

"Sirius, no. We don't know these women, they could be servants of You Know Who!" Minerva attempted to be the voice of reason.

"Very funny Minerva." Nona smiled again, her dementedness making everyone afraid. "The voice of reason, p'raps you know the Minerva I know, she'd be very proud of you."

"We're not servants of Voldemort, no." Morta said, ignoring the shiver that ran through the hall. "But we are powerful deities who won't stand for being ignored. So I'd suggest you listen."

"Now technically Sirius, we can't actually force you to go. See, we don't know how you get there. But we can induce sleep if you wish." Nona had now taken on a sweet tone. "Defeat Februus by cutting his string. Then, and only then, will you be free. The doom that is held over all your heads will loosen. Deci will also bring more change to the world, it's been dreadfully plain ever since she left."

"Except when he left Miseria in charge of fate. Then we had about a hundred bloody revolutions that changed the world. But yeah, plain." Morta couldn't help but add.

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