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Sirius had a secret. Ever since that day in December, Decima had stopped sending him bad dreams, for the most part. But she didn't stop visiting him. One night, she had a strange proposition.

"It will help if you find my sister Nona. She will tell you what I cannot."

He had been working hard to try and figure out anything about Februus, her captor. The only thing he had found out was that he was banished from death.

"Perhaps we find his string and cut it?" He suggested. "Then he'd have no choice but to pass into the afterlife."

"Yes." She murmured, her amber eyes flashing in the dim light of the stone room. "But first, how is it that you come here? To my knowledge, no one, not even a deity, can escape this place. So how did you manage it?"

"I have no idea. I just fall asleep and end up here. It's like I don't have a choice."

"Hmm." She mused. "Yes, it seems finding Nona would suit you greatly. She has greater knowledge of these things. I would say Morta, but she is silent. Nona, at least, is active."

"What happened to Morta?" Sirius wondered.

"I do not know, but I worry. If she is being controlled, havoc could rip the world apart. It is, in the simplest of terms, like having death at your fingertips." She sighed. "I miss my sisters, Sirius. I miss the sky, I long for the sun and the rain to grace my skin again. But most of all," Her eyes burned stronger with need. "I miss freedom."

That was in January, and now Valentine's Day was quickly approaching. They'd had a small celebration in the common room for Lily's birthday, and Slughorn had made an embarrassing show in his class. James made sure Lily got everything she wanted, and Sirius wasn't one to argue.

Again Sirius had been pouring over books late into the night, and this did not go unnoticed.

"Mate, I don't know if something's going on, but I've never known you to be the bookish type." James commented as Sirius took another book out during lunch. It was February, only four days until Valentine's, but none of them were planning anything.

"What can I say," Sirius smirked, pulling out the old book that was entirely in Greek. He'd barely been able to translate it, only with the help of some old glasses he found in a box at the library. They had extricably said no help with Ancient Runes on them, but Sirius found out that they translated any language into a language familiar to the wearer. He put them on now. "I always found books rather interesting."

James narrowed his eyes. "Ok, what's going on? The Sirius Black I know would never touch a book, let alone read one."

"Well I am now." Remus gave him a funny look this time. This book was all about the fates, but he needed more. Perhaps Decima knew. He'd have to ask her. Peter suddenly piped up as he looked up from his meal.

"Those glasses look funny." Peter laughed. "Why are you wearing them?" Sirius looked at him and opened his mouth to reply before he was cut off by a familiar snide voice.

"Yes, why are you wearing those ridiculous glasses?" Sirius looked up to see his brother Regulus staring at him. On the surface, it just seemed that he was being rude, but Sirius took one look into his eyes and realized he wanted to speak to Sirius. Now.

"It's none of your business Reg." Sirius frowned, then got up and left the hall, a slight nod the only indicator to his brother that he was ready to talk. Regulus nodded back, his nod only perceptible to those who had seen the whole exchange. The other boys gave Sirius confused looks, wondering if he was actually that upset by his brother, no doubt.

"So Regulus," Sirius cornered his brother in a bathroom right outside the hall. "What's so important? Why have you looked half dead for the past few months? And why did you ignore me for so long?"

Regulus stared at him, his eyes troubled, and Sirius was struck by how alike they looked, it was as if he was looking into a mirror.

"I'm one of them."

Sirius sighed and closed his eyes. "You're going to have to be more specific." But he already knew, and desperately hoped he would be wrong.

"I'm a Death Eater, Sirius. Over the summer, at the Malfoy's. That's when he did it." Now Reg looked upset. "H-he hurt Kreacher, and I made him angry. He showed me something that could defeat him, Sirius! I don't know why, but he made me drink this horrible potion, a-and I needed water..."

Sirius stopped him right there, horror and concern pouring over his features. "He did what?" Then he sighed. "You can't go and anger him like that Reggie. Especially now that you're a Death Eater, and certainly not for that filthy elf."

"Don't call him that!" Regulus scolded. "He didn't do anything wrong! And it worked its way out anyways. I found out the Dark Lord has an army of Inferius. In a cave, by the sea."

Sirius's eyes widened and he went for the door. "Reg, this is bad, maybe the Order-" His brother cut him off with a desperate plea.

"No! If you tell them, he'll know it's me, I'm the only one who knows. The Order needs me on the inside. Once I get whatever that army is guarding, then you can tell them." Regulus sighed. "I'm not like Father and Mother, Sirius. They believe the Dark Lord is the answer to all their problems, but I don't!" He added a bit of forcefulness to the last word. "I think he's evil, but now I'm stuck in the inner circle, and I think the only way to escape is death!"

"Slow down, little brother, and think for a moment. You come to Hogwarts every year, and bloody Dumbledore is here. Stay quiet until next year, and he can keep you safe then. You can go into hiding, all that. Ok?"

Regulus closed his eyes. "Yes Sirius." He then looked up at his brother imploringly. "I wasn't ignoring you, I was sparing you. I know you wish it had been different, but this is my destiny."

Sirius shivered at what those words implied, and realized he needed to find Nona. Soon.

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