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Pluto scowled into his goblet. Even nectar wasn't going to soften his mood. Poor little Proserpina was up in her room, knowing her husband was angry.

"Who is she to order around my charges?" He muttered. "I deserve them! I claimed them!"

"My lord?" A tentative voice called to him.

"What?!" He snapped irritably. He sighed when he saw Letus and Somnia stood there, along with Somnus and Miseria. It was Letus who had spoken. The god of peaceful death seemed to float up to him gently, his eyes soft and understanding.

"My lord, are you alright?" Somnus spoke slowly. "You brought us all with your moping."

"I need my Fates back." He snapped again. "Especially Nona, this troublesome deity has been causing me more than enough trouble."

"She promised Zeus another body in return, p'haps two more by the looks of it. And she seems to be causing quite the depressing feeling in the air." Miseria waved her hand 'round her head. "I may have added a simple touch, y'know, to spruce it up."

"Yes..." Pluto muttered, anger still throbbing in his temple. "I still need them."

"None of them are mine, my lord." Letus said, his eyes searching his master's. "I am not the one to ask."

"None of us are," Somnia murmured, his eyes swirling in thought. "But p'haps a dream will suffice?"

"Will it?" Pluto growled.

"It is the only way. You are forbidden to leave the underworld. We do not wish to close with Nona, either." Miseria smiled, slight cruelty in her voice. "Here I stand, the goddess of misery and depression, unknown by most, yet with more wisdom than one of the biggest, baddest gods out there."

"That's not true, and you would do better to speak kindly of me!" Pluto was only getting more and more angry. "I realize that Nona wants her sisters together, but that won't happen."

But the four gods, Death, Misery, Sleep, and Dream, were not about to let him down.


Sirius ran outside the castle, the cloak and his wand grasped in his hand. Once he reached the edge of the forest, he turned into Snuffles from here it was easy. He was eighteen. He could apparate now, and he didn't hesitate. Once outside the school, he was gone in a crack.

The Manor was apparition proof, but he was sure as a dog he could sneak in. He cursed himself for not having a small animagus form, like Pete. It was certainly proving difficult, until he remembered something when he was a child, when he had visited.

"C'mon Reggie!" Sirius ran outside onto the lawn. He had been kicked out of the house for being too rambunctious, and his brother had tagged along. "Let's explore!"

"Mum said to stay within ten feet of the house." Regulus panted, his little legs not long enough to catch his brother.

"Mum doesn't have a bloody tape measure, how're we supposed to know when to stop?" His eyes twinkled with excitement. "Anyroad, I thought I saw a hole in the bushes over there, let's see where it leads."

"Don't swear, you know Mum hates it when we swear." Reg smiled, and Sirius scowled.

"Mum doesn't have to know, and she lets Dad do it! Why can't I then?"

"I dunno, that's just what she says." Regulus stopped arguing after that, and simply followed him. The hole in the bushes was so very interesting, especially to the little boys.

"Look," Sirius breathed, amazed. "It's...a hole!" It was true, there was a hole in the fence. Sirius didn't know it then, but it was from one of Abraxas' rages. It had never been found, nor fixed.

"Sirius." Regulus tugged on his brother's sleeve, their mother was calling, and she did not look pleased. "Mum's calling."

"Let her call." Sirius' eyes were as wide as saucers. "Muggles." He breathed. Through the hole he saw a rare glimpse into the muggle world. "Look at them, Reg! They're so weird."

His brother's face showed intense confusion and slight anger mixed with fear. "Mum won't like it if we don't come." Disgust tainted his next words, and was written all over his face. "What's so interesting bout them anyways? They're just muggles, probably a few filthy mudbloods mixed in."

Sudden shrieking filled the air. Only Walburga could emit such revolting sound. "SIRIUS ORION BLACK! REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK! IF YOU TWO BOYS DON'T COME HERE AT ONCE..." there was a slight pause. "YOU WILL REGRET WHAT HAPPENS."

Regulus scrambled up, fear spiking in his eyes. "Sirius!" He bellowed." Let's go!"

"Fine." Sirius sighed, and allowed his brother to pull him away to their furious mother. "Just don't tell...please?"

Sirius wondered if the hole was still there, he certainly hadn't told, and Reg hadn't, to his knowledge. He guessed he'd figure out now.

Creeping silently with stealth only a dog could have, he pulled the invisibility cloak around him and searched the long dark fence. It seemed to be fruitless, until suddenly he saw it!

"Bloody hell, this took forever." He pushed his way through, and put on the invisibility cloak. It was a lot easier than he would've reckoned, so he made note to be more aware than usual. He figured a trap might be in motion, if not, extra caution wouldn't hurt. He had some branches in his hair, the hole was smaller than he remembered. Or he was bigger. The latter was probably true.

White peacocks strutted across the lawn. "If James was here, he'd easily pass as a strutting bird." Sirius almost choked on his own joke. Then he carefully made it inside, slipping in with Narcissa Black. His cousin, how strange it was to think of her in that way!

"The Dark Lord calls for you, Lucius." His lovely cousin, Bellatrix Lestrage called through the rooms with her disgusting lilting voice.

"Alright. Any word of the prisoner?"

"Hush!" A loud smack echoed throughout the room, into the hallway where Sirius crouched, and anger flitted across Narcissa's, the only girl he could see, face. "Do not speak of it here, there are members of a lower status here!"

"Sorry." Lucius said, and ran out of the room, a big red handprint on his face.

"Heh." Sirius couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Lucius just got bitchslapped. By his girlfriend's sister."

He then followed him down to the bottom of the mansion, where he knew she would be held. His breath came in short pants. Almost there...

"Who do we have here?"

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