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James looked at Sirius funnily. His friend had just awoken with a start, and his eyes were still wide as if in a panic.

"Are you alright mate? You look sort of peaky." He looked over and saw Sirius sigh. They were on the carriages and Sirius still hadn't said a word. They were all worrying about him greatly, the most they had gotten out of him was a tired I'm fine.

"Yeah, James,  I'll tell you once we get to the dorm?" His mate's eyes looked red, as if he had been crying. He had looked at James, shocked, when he had woken up, and the way he had whispered Prongs when he was still half asleep, it sounded like a broken, older a more hard, emotional Sirius.

"Alrighty then, just stay with us." He had been spacing out. It was strange, but James swore he looked like he did in first and second year, having night terrors because of what his blasted mother had done to him. But Sirius had been sleeping soundly until he had been awakened.

Remus sighed, then looked to James. "It's the full moon tomorrow." The dark bags under his eyes were clear today, and he had a tired look in his eyes.

"Hurray!" James laughed, to make light of the situation. "I can't wait!" Remus grinned, despite his discomfort.

"Me neither. I'll feel much better."

"And we all know you enjoy the quality time you spend with us, Moony." Sirius had spoken, and of course he had said this. James rolled his eyes.

"Sirius. Mate, don't you worry. We've done it many a time, remember? I for one am excited! I do enjoy stretching my legs as a stag every once and a while."

Lily, who had been watching with a small smile on her face, a slightly sad smile, peeped up. "I wish I could join you lot. It sounds like loads of fun." James hugged her more tightly, and Peter squeaked out a reply.

"Don't you worry, Lily, you can become an animagus this year!" Lily smiled at this, but she still looked a little crestfallen.

"I'm sorry, Pete, I can't do that. I'm already to busy this year, and McGonagall will definitely be even more suspicious if I even asked, seeing as I'm dating Jamsie here."

"Hey, don't call me that!" James shook his head with a laugh. "But he's right, Lils, if you really wanted to, we could help you become an animagus."

"Yes," Sirius added, his earlier sullen attitude gone as his eyes sparkled with amusement. "Although it isn't all fun and games, it depends on how Messer Moony is feeling here. Let's hope it's a happy feeling tonight."

"Alright, alright! That's enough about my furry little problem! I have another question. What are you looking forward to after Hogwarts? I'm looking forward to being with Mum more, she's getting older." Remus butted in.

"Just the opposite Rem." Lily smiled sullenly, again James attempted to comfort her, and she shoved him playfully. "I'm fine James! I'm just happy to get away from Tuney, she's horrible these days. Urgh, it was such a relief to leave."

James, who had only met her sister once, shook his head. "She really is nasty, I don't blame you."

Sirius smiled happily. "I can't wait to spend more time at James's house. It is certainly amazing there." He had ran away last year when his father threatened to kill him.

"And Lily, I get why you want to leave your family. Poor Reg, he still has to deal with it all. I've heard he's a Death Eater now." Sirius and Regulus didn't get along as well as they wanted to, but last year Regulus had approached Sirius and asked for an apology for how horrible he was. Then, over the summer, that hadn't heard from him until Sirius saw him pale and frail looking in a compartment with the Slytherins. What had made him look like that, Sirius had no idea, but he felt for his brother greatly.

"Oh, I'm just hoping to spend time with my mum, as she makes the best cookies!" Peter smiled as he remembered her soft smile and gentle eyes. His mother loved him greatly, and he already missed her.

"Great! And look, we're here!" Remus pointed at the hall. Other students were being loaded off their carriages. "It's the last Welcoming Feast." He said sadly, and the only one more disappointed looking was Peter, as he loved the amount of food served there. They laughed all the way to their seats, James and Lily both wearing their robes with shiny Head Boy and Head Girl badges on them. How he had ended up with it was a mystery to anyone, but he actually had become much more mature over the summer. Lily had only agreed to go out on a date with him because of it, and now that he was, she had finally given in to years of gentle teasing of them being together.

"Yeah, kind of bittersweet isn't it?" Sirius fake sniffed, then collapsed on the ground wailing. "NO, NO, IT CAN'T BE!" He grinned over at James and he rolled his eyes.

"Padfoot, enough dramatics. I'm Head Boy, I must ask you to stop." Sirius groaned and then cowered in mock fear.

"What is Prongsie gonna do? Huh? I'm so afraid!" Then him and James laughed, and James helped Sirius up to his feet. Then he whispered in James's ear. "Did you set it there?"

"Yeah, I can't wait. You're taking the blame for this though, I'm Head Boy." He said, extra emphasis on the Head Boy part.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Prongs, just laugh."

"Oh deer, whatever are we going to do with you? You're mad!"

"Barking." Sirius winked.

"Oh stop will you," Lily said, though she was laughing. "You both have horrible puns."

"Oh yeah, I'd like you to try it Evans." James challenged.

"Oh, don't worry, I think you'll find that I have a pawticular way with puns, other wise howl would I even stand you lot." She smirked and Sirius turned to her incredulously.

"Really Evans, howl?" She laughed.

"Not just bad at puns, but awlfully thick as well, I can't believe you couldn't see that."

"James and I are the best at puns! We've been working on them furever."

Remus covered his face and moaned as they walking to the hall.

"No, you're still just as awful."

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