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Lily felt herself fall to the ground and wake up with a resounding thump. The other girls in her dormitory slept on, peaceful and silent as she untangled herself from her sheets.

"Bloody hell." She murmured. It was just past eleven, she had barely fallen asleep thirty minutes ago. She had had a dream about a trapped woman crying out, amber eyes flashing desperately, then it had changed to a petite blonde, standing over what looked like Sirius's shoulder, humming darkly. The last part of the dream was to most disconcerting. It had been a third woman, this one in a dungeon at a Manor, her eyes black and dead. She seemed to see Lily, though the man outside, guarding her, did not.

"Lily Evans..." The woman sighed. "It has been nice to see you, I just can't wait to properly meet you."

"What do you mean?" She whispered, fear coursing through her.

"I mean, my dear Lils," She used James's name with her, making her ache with foreboding. "That we shall meet again, quite tragically I'm afraid, in 1981."

"W-who are you? What do you mean?" She glanced around. "Why have you been captured?"

"Because," The woman flicked her red hair over her shoulder, her eyes still and void of life. "I hold the key to the thing that Voldemort wants. Death, that is, and he wishes to control me. But, Lily Evans, if you find my sisters, all shall be avoided. I'm afraid," She paused and glanced around, then shrugged. "You'll find out soon enough anyways. I'm afraid all of you die in the future. Frank, Alice, James, Peter, Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore, even you."

"But don't we all die eventually?" Lily asked curiously.

"Perhaps." The woman smiled sadly up at her cage. "I'll leave it to you to decide if you want to change anything, although Sirius is already set on it. Hopefully, because of him, I can leave these to rest for a few years, and not cut any more young strings." She pulled out a huge pair of glowing scissors and snipped them shut on the air.

Nothing this woman said made any sense, and Lily could feel awareness descending upon her. She panicked, having so many questions left unanswered.

"Wait! No! How do I free you? Why did you tell me these things?"

Suddenly there was a sound in another room, and the woman looked up, anger flitting silently through her glassy eyes.

"Go now, child, pray we do not meet again. To rescue me, free my sister. She will know what to do."

Now Lily lay in her bed, awake and alert, trying to process what she'd heard. That woman, she must've been Morta, there was no one else it could be. But as to why the Fates took such interest in her and her friends troubled Lily greatly.

Then she stumbled out of bed, making her way to the Marauder's dorm. She walked in the room to a messy floor and four sleeping boys. Remus and Peter were peaceful, and her eyes lingered on James, who looked so gentle, sweet, and caring in his sleep. But Sirius soon got her attention. He startled awake, then opened his mouth to scream at seeing her there.

"No Sirius, don't!" She warned, but it was too late. A high pitched, extremely loud screech echoed in the room. Lily clutched her ears as it rung in them. The other boys awakened quickly, grabbing their wands. When James saw Lily, he shouted at them to calm down.

At first Lily was only shocked, then she turned on Sirius. "Bloody hell, Sirius! There was no need to blow my brains out!" James took this  as a cue and roared with laughter.

"Really mate, did you get swapped with a teenage girl there? Cause that had some serious pitch! Sounded like some one was tearing off your ba-" Remus then covered James's mouth to stop him from continuing, and that made James lick him. This made Remus screech almost as loud as Sirius, which startled Peter so that he fell out his bed, grabbing onto the nearest person, Sirius, for support and bringing him and a nightstand with him to the ground.

When it was all over, the only one left unscathed was Lily. "Do I even want to know what just happened?" She whispered, suppressed laughter rumbling in her voice

The boys only glared at her. "What're you doing up here Evans?" Sirius scowled. "I need my beauty sleep."

"We al know what happens when you sleep, Mr Black, and it is not at all pretty."

"Was that a joke?" Sirius smiled, and this made Lily turn a bright red as she realized what she said.

"I just mean that you dream of death and other measly things, that's not what I was saying! What I was going to say was finally I have met a Fate."

"Yeah?" James poked her in the side. "Which one?"

"Morta." Lily replied, becoming more and more solemn as she continued. "She has been captured by Voldemort, in a large manor."

Sirius's face paled, and he looked slightly sick.  Remus looked confused.

"Which manor? And how do you know it's Morta? Voldemort has many prisoners, it could've been any of them."

"It was certainly Morta, she had the knowledge to prove it. I don't know what manor it was in, but the man guarding was a blonde." That's all she had seen, a pale white blonde.

Sirius nearly snarled. "Malfoy Manor. That's Malfoy, Lucius no doubt. Abraxas is too busy to be on guard duty."

Lily looked slightly confused. She knew of Lucius's issues, but she also knew Abraxas was a follower of You Know Who, so why was Lucius more important?

"Ok..." She muttered, at a loss. "She said to free her sister, what did she mean by that? Do you lot know? Do you know what's going on?!" She glanced around, the only one who nodded, although with slight hesitation, was Sirius.

"I feel wounded!" James faked wiping his eyes. Then he looked at Sirius, his eyes serious. "You left us in the dark, Padfoot. How could you?"

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