Lie To Me Again (Maven)

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Warnings: Minor Cursing
Word Count: 733

"Did you ever love me or was it just a trick" you said not didn't even bother looking up, because you knew if you look up you would've remembered have much you love him, which brought you to this moment.

"I never did, you were just a good cover up" he answered. You glance at him then regretting it instantly. His face stone cold, eyes lifeless sending a chill down your spine. He's wearing black polished armor and a crimson cape. He didn't look like your Maven anymore. He isn't your Maven. But you couldn't stop loving him.

"So this whole entire plan, cover up, was made since we're 13" scoffing at him

"No I didn't make it mother did"

Under your breath you mumble "Of course she did"

He took a step closer, crouching down to your level, the only thing between you to was the metal bars you were behind. His cold blue eyes to your broken Y/E/C eyes.

"What was that, I couldn't hear you"

Through gritted teeth you replied "Of course it was your manipulative selfish evilass mother's idea. Do you hear that or do you want me to say it again?" your face inching closer to his for every word.

Then he swiftly grab your wrist through the bars "Don't you dare say that about my mother" his grip on you tighten on each word. You could feel his hand get hotter by the second. Trying to get out of it, pulling your hand away while your other hand was on bars trying to push away. But his hold on you tight within each struggle, soon or later his hand was scorching hot, burning through your clothes, to your skin.

Letting out a scream, hot tears fell from your eyes to your cheeks. He finally left go of you, get up from his crouching position.

You look at your wrist it was probably was a 1st degree burn but hurt nonetheless. Physically and emotionally. Because no matter how mad Maven was or if he didn't have control over his abilities he never burn you. That's when you should've realize he isn't the Maven you knew, but you still have hope.

"I trust you" you cried at him, he turn around to you his cape moving with him.

"Well then you can't exactly blame me, can you? It was your mistake" and that when you realized it was, you fell in love with him, you gave him your heart and trust, you sacrificed everything for him, you let him break your heart to pieces.

"Are you saying that you never trust me, felt save with me, love me." Desperation was in your voice hoping that he at least felt something.

"No. From that first moment I laid my eyes upon you, I knew that I want to spend the rest of my life avoiding you. But you were actually useful, I knew if I put on a good act you would've fell in love with me."

Right then you could hear your heart shattering more, if possible. You tear away from him through the bars to look at the cold dark corner. More tears coming out your eyes.

Silence stood in between you two

Feeling his eyes burn into you as your gaze was still on the corner. Your sobs were slowly coming to an end, your wrist still burned. Wishing that he finally leave, for you could crawl in the corner and cry your eyes out without feeling ashamed.

"Why did you put me in this cage, and not kill me?" Asking him

"You're still useful" one lie

"And what Mare and Cal aren't?"

"They got away" second lie

"So I was just the slow one?"

"Yes" third lie

By then you were done. Ignoring the pain, you stood up facing the bars. Calling Maven over which he obligated, standing face to face. Looking up to his eyes, losing all of your confidence as you said your final words to him.

"Lie to me again" you whispered

"I love you" he answered

Then he was walking away, leaving you to soak up the words. You replay the very moment again and again. Remember a little flicker in his eyes. You watch him go. His cape following him. And you saw that he wore his hatred like a cruel second skin. Which affect you the most.

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