Fading Eyes (Kilorn)

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Warnings: Minor Cursing
Word Count: 513 (Sorry it's short but I been having writers block.)
I tried to make it gender neutral, along with other parts of the story. So please tell me if it not, or the a mistake.
Remember request is always open

Kilorn POV

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Any of it. To me being conscripted into war. Mare have abilities, being ship off to the palace lying to the world. A war between Silvers and Reds. Shade dying. Or meeting Y/N. None of it.

But here we are. Y/N and I, mud staining our clothes while we're on the ground. Rain pouring down on us. A storm about to come. And Y/N in my arms.

The war around us dispersing, as the love of my life bleeds to death.

Blood was everywhere, their shirt soaked with it along with a pool of it beneath him. Their eyes met mine and I placed a shaky hand over their mouth.

"W-what the h-hell happened?" I choked out as their eyes stung with fresh tears. I dropped to my knees and gently pulled their head to my chest.

I ran my fingers through their hair as tears rolled down our cheeks. "I-i was d-distracted. Didn't see the-the Silver behind me." Y/N hissed in pain, causing them to cough, their mouth filled with blood and they spat it out.

"You're such an idiot. A-a stupid fucking idiot. You know that, Y/N?" They managed to laugh through the hot tears that were tumbling down their face.

They completely ignored everybody else around us, pretending it was just the two of you. I cracked a smile at them and it quickly turned into a smirk.

"Yeah- I know, but I'm your i-idiot." I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile playing on my lips. They started to cough again and their smile dropped, their eyes were dropping and I knew they wasn't going to make it.

If I'd moved them, the bullets could do more damage. But if I didn't get them to the jet, they wouldn't make it.

"I'm so tired, sweetheart." Y/N mumbled, struggling to stay awake.

My heart broke and a sob was making their throat ache as I tried to hold it in, "n-no, you need to st-stay awake. Okay? Don't close them g-gorgeous eyes of yours. Please." I cried out.

I stroked their tear-stained cheek. Their eyes met mine, and tried my hardest to remember them, because I knew after today, I'd never see them again.

But after a moment, when I knew I'd never forget those eyes, I gently smiled.

They started shaking more trembling harder as tears sprung forth even harder. They open their mouth to say something one last time but could only gag. They looked down at the knife that disappeared into their chest. The eyes I love so much met mine again, my gentle smile never faded as theirs own eyes begin to.

Then with all their strength. Bleeding to death, they gives their last little smile to the world that has been so unkind. As their eyes faded away.

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