Thanksgiving, Kind Of

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Since it is Thanksgiving I decided to do this story, I hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving, hope it's better than mine. Tell me about it, cause I'm bored. Remember requests are always open. Enjoy.

Relationship: Everyone
Word Count: 795

''So could we'' you ask, trying to keep your paced with Farley through the corridor.

''How many times do I have to say it, Y/N. We are in a war, this is not the old world where everything is fine.''

''The old world wasn't always fine, but they still had Thanksgiving.'' You reason with her. Farley stop in the middle of the hallway. With an exasperated expression, she met with your eyes. She gave you one final reason.

"Y/N, I know you want Thanksgiving it just with everything going on, the war, training. And we can't just feed everyone, remember we need to ration. Maybe another time'' she left after that, leaving you behind her.

"Yeah maybe in another lifetime'' you mumble after her turning around the opposite way of Farley.

Walking in defeat knowing that Thanksgiving will never happen here. You remember reading books about the old world, showing your family it which lead to a different Thanksgiving but it was still good.

You just want to feel what you felt back then. You're still living in horrible conditions, but in that moment you felt safe. For once in your life, you actually appreciate it. You wanted to feel the same way. Safe, especially now.

~~~A Day Later~~~

You were walking aimlessly along the ocean line. The world around you was forgotten, still moving around you. Today was Thanksgiving according to the calendar in your head. If your family was alive right now, you'll be celebrating with them.

But but now you were the last L/N in Norta. Working with the Scarlet Guard, hiding out with lightning girl from Maven. You're not the same Red from Stilts.

"Hey, Y/N" you heard a yell from behind you, turning around you saw a familiar lean body belonging to Kilorn.

As you seen him get closer to you, realizing his pants are wet, already smelling the salt on him, and multiple fish on a line that he was carry.

"One hell of a catch there, huh" you said, gesturing to the fish.

"It's nothing"

"Never imagine you as a humble type, Kilorn Warren"

"Maybe because of Thanksgiving." Him saying that makes you stop from surprise that he'd remembering you talk to him about it. As a smile came on his face seeing your reaction.

"It is Thanksgiving isn't it, or not" questioning you, smug laced with his voice.

"Yeah it is" you said smiling

"Well then let's get it started, and along the way you could tell me all about it."

"Okay well we are going to need a lot of more food."

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Where the hell are we going to get a full ham and turkey" Kilorn said as he laid down the blanket down on the ground.

"We have fish, it fine. My family and I never had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Not enough food." You said a perfecting the food in all there respectful place. Fish, bread, water, old canned corn, and fruit. Most of it you guys had to steal from the Lakeland soldiers.

"What do we have here" A male voice said, with footsteps right behind him

You both look up seeing Shade and his brothers, Bree and Tramy. Along with Gisa and not far behind them was Mare and Cal at a slow pace, talking.

"Do you mind if we join you two" Bree asked, eyeing the smoked fish, with Tramy.

"We have enough food for everyone" you replying back a smile on your face. Seeing everyone you know joining.

As they all grab their food, and began sitting down on either the ground or the log talking to each other. You saw a few soldiers coming from a distance with their own food.

"You couldn't help yourself, could you L/N" Farley said sitting down next to you.

"Nope, guess I it's just the spirit of Thanksgiving" you responded

"I thought that was another holiday" she questioning you.

"Oh we'll celebrate that one too, don't worry" you heard her groaned at you, while you were getting a plate ready.

"So Captain are you going to argue with me why we can't do that or eat with us" you said handing the plate over to her. She was looking at the plate before finally taking it, glancing at your face with a victorious smile.

You looked around the area, everyone talking or laughing with their respectful people. It wasn't Thanksgiving with your family, but you still felt safe.

Goodbye for now-

Sincerely Lost_Queen1613

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