Lie To Me Again (Maven) Part 2

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Warnings: None
Word Count: 1162
Requested by a few people
Note at the end please read, and tell me if you want more on this story.

''I hate you'' you mumble.

''I hate you'' once again.

"I hate you'' your voice now rising

"I hate you'' rising.

''I hate you'' now yelling.

"I hate you, Maven'' your voice suddenly going into a whisper. A laugh comes from him. Menacing. Humorless. Cold. Just like him.

''And you call me a liar." He is, without a doubt in your mind he is. Which got you in a humid, dirty cell. You haven't seen the sun in days, never felt your powers. You crave to feeling of power through your veins.

Maven is not doing well either. His eyes were sullen, dark circles around them, skin paler than usual, and worst of all his blue eyes colder than ever. The eyes that you use admired when you were thirteen. That seem like a lifetime ago. But he kept his masked on, a façade to everyone, but you saw through it.

''Take the mask off when you speak to me'' whispering loud enough for him to hear.

''I don't think you have a right to demanded me right now'' responding back to you. Glancing up to him from your seated position, when footsteps were approaching and Maven's attention turned to it.

Turning away, silently listen to the muffling of voices catching a few words. Flinching internally when hearing Maven shout at the soldier that was cowering away in the opposite direction following Maven's orders.

"Did you have a pleasant conservation?" Asking Maven once he turned back to you

"Never stop with the sarcasm, do you?" he fired back at you

"I ask the question first"

"You aren't in a position demanding anything"

"Like you keep repeating" The banter between the two of you ended as quickly as it started. But Maven's eyes were still on you, burning, not having to same effect on you as it once did. Wishing him away, far away, somewhere that you can't feel his heat anymore. Cold blue eyes fell from you, footsteps walking away from your figure. After waiting you glanced at where he was standing minutes ago, he was gone.    

Silence surrounded you, drowning you into it. Your breathes was only to be heard on the whole level, cages were unoccupied, footsteps were silent. As much as you hated thinking it, Maven visits were keeping you sane. Even the soldiers giving you food and water drove you insane, because nothing could be heard by them. The silence was deafening.

Leaning your head against the cold wall behind you, closing your eyes.

Flashback (You guys are thirteen)

"Where are you taking me, Maven" you said looking around trying to find something. But he said nothing still tugging you farther into the bushes.

"Mav-" you started but he cut you off  "Don't you trust me."

"No" you said defensively.

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