Chapter 16: I can't pretend anymore

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I can't pretend anymore,it's hurting me.That Joe could be the one that I like.I replay my thoughts,I'm so torn between who I should be with.Maybe I shouldn't be with no one,then nobody will get hurt.

I look at the New York tickets in my hand for me and Josh,I need to go, I can't just let down Josh and possibly miss out on my dream of a lifetime.Next week we go to New York,and I need to somehow make it clear what I want,who I want before these feelings are lost forever.
Joe knocks on my door,I tell him to come in.He leans against the doorframe,smiling.I break the silence,"I just painted that doorframe" I say raising my eyebrows."what?,you could of told me that!" He says wiping his clothes."I'm only joking" I say laughing at him."Thanks?" He says sarcastically looking annoyed.

I lay back on my bed and look at the ceiling.Joe coughs trying to get my attention.I look up at him,"What?" I say laughing."Well I came here,to ask you something,can I please sit next to you and Josh on the plane" He asks."Why?" I say.
"Can I sit in the middle?" He questions further.I look at him as if to say you're being serious right or not.I start laughing at him,"Just to make sure sure you know,I can talk to both of you at the same time" he says nodding his head."Wow" I say looking out the window."What is there a squirrel?" He says coming to the window,"No it's a flying ice cream truck" I remark sarcastically."Wow,they've made those already,let me see" He says looking into the sky.

"I was joking obviously" I say,"I meant wow,by you are know what just forget it" I say Turning around.Joe is already standing at the door looking at me."Now I'm going to see the flying Ice cream truck" He says running out the room.

I walk downstairs a few minutes later.Joe walks through the front door."Joe,what have your friends been giving you" My mum says looking at him concerned."Nothing why?" He asks."Because you thought there was a flying ice cream truck outside" My mum questions looking confused.Joe just keeps walking upstairs probably to his room.
Mum turns to look at me with my dinner,and hands the hot plate to me."Something is telling that Joe is in love" My mum says grabbing some cutlery from the draw."You think" I say taking the fork and knives from her."I know" She says turning back to the dinner.

Hopefully mum is lying but this seems to be quite true at the moment.She comes to sit next to me with her dinner.I push the food around on my plate not feeling so hungry."Mia,are you alright?" She says looking at me with concern."yea,I'm fine just school work making me anxious" I say getting up I leave my dinner on the worktop and start to walk upstairs.I can feel mums eyes staring at the back of me as I turn the corner onto the upstairs hallway.As soon as I get into my room I sit down and look at myself in the mirror,thinking about what I should do.
I slowly fall into a deep sleep and the thoughts of everything drift away.I wake up in what seems to be the middle of the night my vision blurred from the sleep in my eyes.My door is open ajar and light is coming from Joe's bedroom.I put a robe on and slowly walk to his bedroom wondering if he is awake.I look through the crack in the door he is watching tv,it reads 3am on my phone.

I slowly open the door and walk inside,he stares at me and then pats the space next to him to sit."3am movie marathon?" I say looking at him."yeah I couldn't sleep so I like to watch movies" he says engrossed in the movie."Explain again why you are watching the Fault in our stars,at this time"
"Guess I just can't stop thinking about someone,plus I love romance movies" he says.
"Joe we can't be with each other" I say staring into them amazing eyes of his,which I could literally get lost in.
" we can" he says grabbing my hand and looking at me.A smile starts to appear on my face,every time I see him I love him more and more than ever.
"I have to tell you that you are amazing,and the most beautiful girl in the universe" he says..
Thoughts race through my head and I close the space between us,I kissed him again which this time wasn't a mistake that I regretted.The world seemed to be a blur as I kissed Joe and it seemed that he made me safe and happy.
I could now imagine us together,like nothing I had ever imagined.

*The next morning*

I sit at the table Joe next to me at breakfast,I happily eat my pancakes as I watch Joe try to balance a spoon on his nose.I laugh when he can't do it and it keeps falling on the floor.He looks into my eyes."you're eyes are beautiful I could get lost In them,can I have a map" he say laughing.
I start laughing at his weird but funny joke.I cough loudly when my mum and dad enter the room.

They seem happy and are holding a piece of paper in their hands.They sit down At the table,my dad is munching on his cereal loudly.My mum puts the form on the table for everyone to see,I start to read it my face goes white."Adoption form!" I blurt out.
"Yes,Joe is like a son to us and well we would like to adopt him and be his parents" Mum says smiling.Joe looks at me and then runs looks at mum as if to say I told you so.Mum sighs loudly.
"Ok Joe we won't adopt you" she says shouting and them putting the adoption form in the bin.Mission accomplished I text to Joe.

Hi,hope you are enjoying the book so far.Have a nice day and keep reading.
Luisa ❤️😊

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