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Freya wasn't sure what to expect when she entered Heyes Enterprises the next morning after a rush hour filled morning.

To her surprise, Lance was nowhere to be seen in the idle office, instead, a very long and detailed list stood in his wake.

Explaining his sudden absence was due to personal issues despite it being one of Heyes Enterprises's most important days.

The aftermath of the Persephone meeting.

Today would reveal whether Ignatius was an idiot to decline Lance's commendable sum or an idiot to accept such an offer even though his company has so much potential when given the time to grow.

Either way, they would both come out of the deal as twits, Lance already barely has the time to handle his own company let alone two at once.

"My pay better be doubled," Freya grumbled imaging all the paperwork she would have to do.

She already did all of Lance's, it was up to him wither to do anything about them.


Making sure every part of Heyes Enterprises was functioning and running smoothly and to the schedule, Freya left with only a goodbye and a wave to Gwen when she passed the front desk.

After a long train ride from Piccadilly station to Styal, Freya was in front of Sylva's all in one piece.

Checking the calendar widget on her phone one more time, Freya entered the restaurant, bundled warmly in an ivory wrap, with an infinite scarf coiled snugly around her neck for added warmth.

It was indeed Wednesday evening and nearing eight as well, just fifteen ticks from the numberless clock on her right.

The heat in the room made London's spine-chilling air just the more breathable, tonight was going to be a pluvial one prolonging the stay of the night's dense fog.

Looking around the room Freya noticed it was devoid of a hostess so being patient she stood tall and waited, viewing her surroundings.

On Freya's left was a decorative, towering glass wall, formed by individual glass stones, the divider reminded her of the exterior of Heyes's Enterprises all gleam like a lazor's beam.

Interested Freya walked closer to the aligned structure that prevailed as a separator from the family dinners and the couple dinners who mandated privacy.

Peering through the center of one of the cubes she scanned the room and its occupants, every table in the rectangular space was a two-seater.

All filled with the night's lively dates, dining mannerly, taking little spoon and fork fulls at a time careful not to leave remnants for each other to see.

Gingerly exchanging small talk after each bite or swallow, mouths lingering on the edge of their wine glasses while waiting for their partner to finish speaking.

The room was scattered with dates, making Freya anxious of hers.

What if Oscar was among them?

Freya didn't have much of an expectation when it came to Oscar's appearance, heck she could have been tricked into a date by a man old enough to be her father despite Oscar's many reassurances he wasn't.

But that's part of Blind, that's was it's purpose, users aren't supposed to know, it's called Blind after all, Freya reminded her self. It's supposed to be a surprise, it is a blind date after all.

Would he think she was pretty?

What if they were polar opposites?

Freya knew the saying opposites attract but she no longer believed it, her last relationship ripped her from that belief.

You're either attracted together by similarities or pull apart from your differences, there was no alternative.

Only magnets followed the law of attraction.

What if this was a setup or a trick?

Was she even at the right place?

Freya began to panic, she hadn't been on a proper date like this in ages let alone such an esteemed restaurant such as Sylva's.

She was sure everyone could hear her erratic heart, the more she panicked.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Viewing the end of the room she saw a familiar man, his back was turned but Freya was sure she knew him, she had been his sectary for almost half of her life.

Tonight he had worn one of his more expensive suits, a navy blue, nearly black and his thick strands of hair were combed neatly back, held together with the faintest dab of hair gel.

One of his slim, uncalloused, hands picked up a glass of water, the cubes floated to the bottom as he tipped it towards his lips.

What was he doing here tonight?

Out of all the scenarios and what if's Freya plagued her mind with, not one of them involved Lance Heyes, her boss, and her first heartbreaker seeing her on a date that wasn't with him.

Would he secretly watch, quietly sipping his drink while peering out of the corner of his eyes?

While he waited for his meeting if he had a meeting, Freya racked her brain but a lonely night a Sylva's wasn't something she had planned for him or something he would do for a meeting.

What if he studied Oscar and determined he wasn't good enough for me?

Would he interfere and somehow manage to scare him off?

Freya didn't know and her gut told her she didn't want to wait and see either.

She knew she would regret him getting the best of her but it was too soon and she wasn't ready to face him in life.

At work she could handle, they barely spared a glance at each other unless necessary, it was all business and orders for Freya to follow.

It made it easy to forget.

When Oscar arrived would he be furious at her for bailing?

What if he was just as frightened as her and was waiting in that room right now for the woman he had spent nearly every night and morning this week conversing with.

If he was she hoped he would walk away with only a chipped heart and not a fractured one like Lance had left hers.

Right now Freya wished she could have an audience with a fortune teller even if they were scammers, conning gullibles for income, maybe it would have helped her make a better decision.

He was the wall, not the glass.

Lance was taking over her life and Freya has helpless to stop him, he was like Gandolf and she was Balrog.

You shall not pass.

"Indeed," Freya whispered. "I shall not pass."

Turning around Freya escorted her self back out, letting the luminous lamp posts take her back to the station.



Word Count: 1100!

    Exiled_Introvert 2017©️


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