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"Not all second chances have a different ending, that's why we have googolplex."-Blind®️ Founders, Roven & Dexter Ilit©️

Freya was cutting the clock.

Not only was she late for her train but she was behind on a full day's work. Though she had decided to take a break from the world, everyone else had kept going and if she was to catch up Freya would have to run.

Just because one person pressed pause didn't mean the earth would automatically stop revolving and pause as well.

The earth waited for no one. 

Starting off at a brisk pace, Freya quickened it once she entered through Covent Garden Station's gates. On her toes Freya ran right through the six o'clock train's open doors, taking a seat beside the doors Freya rested on the fabric chairs, doing another once over in her purse for missing contents.

She was always agitated on the subject of stealing.

As a child, Freya's father was pickpocketed at this very train station, it had taken months of investigations before the bank was able to locate the thief and restore all of her father's savings.


Knocking lightly on Mr. Heyes's door, Freya waited for a reply, a word to permit her entry.

But Mr. Heyes kept silent.

What if he was angry? Freya fretted.

If he was, was he mad enough to send her packing like the guests in the Big Brother house when they were voted out?

Not wanting to stand out there any longer Freya opened the door and was met with a fresh cloud of cigarette smoke.

Covering her mouth with the back of her hand, Freya exploded into a fit of irregular coughs.

Glancing over at Lance's desk Freya, noticed the ashtray was nearly filled with a full packet's worth of cigarettes, burned to their nubs.

His chair was turned again, his mind absorbed by the window's view and whatever nail-biting thoughts he had.

"Today's work is on your desk," Lance told Freya coldly, tapping more charred ash into the porcelain bowl.

If she was to ever go on a date with Oscar, she had to leave the past behind her. 

Not by quitting her job or position at Heyes Enterprises but to paint the line.

After that late spring night in May, Freya and Lance had returned to work as if nothing had happened.

As if they were no more than associates, partners in business, two people doing their jobs to accumulate a considerable income to suit their distinct lifestyle.

Between Freya and Lance, these past months had been nothing but orders from him and agreements coming from her.

That was the problem that had to be identified.

Did Lance still see them as partners or does he still hang onto something else?

She wanted, no, needed to know.


He stayed still, huffing and puffing out steady gray clouds.

Freya took another step closer to his wood slab of a desk, picking her way past the foul-smelling vapour.

"What am I to you?" Freya expressed, spreading her arms out, then letting them fall back down to her side.

Irked by Lance's lack of response Freya slammed her hands on top of his desk, hoping for a response. 

There was none.

"I can't go about like this any more than you think you can."

Eventually, Lance gave in but he stayed put, both dark eyes staring out at the morning's oblivion. 

Freya knew she shouldn't be angry it was her fault things had become like this.

This was her problem, not his. 


That was her status now.

An employee.

Nothing special with that label.

At least with Oscar, she could be something more.

Walking out of Mr. Heyes's office Freya seated her self by her desk.

Uninterested in the stack of progress graphs in front of her, Freya rebelled by logging into her phone.

Opening the app that had brought so much pain, joy and happiness this past week.


Oscar Williams

Confirmed Match

Sorry again.

Sunday at Tember's?

I know it's nothing compared to Sylva's.



Well, we have to meet at least once before we can actually end things right?

Unless you're fine with ending the relationship here.

What if I was?

Then I give you full permission to dump me, ladies first.


Freya's grin was growing larger at Oscar's logic. She debated about whether to stop with this nonsense now or to continue on.

Until this morning she didn't realize the other reason to fear this brand new date, over the course of this week she had lied gone under the name Penny Rae-Ficky. A scrambled version of Freya Pinckney, Bryn's "genius" creation.

That wasn't the name she wanted to be known as in Oscar's mind when they ended things. 

She wanted him to know the truth.


Oscar Williams 

Confirmed Match

So keen on never talking to me again, aren't you?

Your jokes make the loss bearable.

Good to know it's not like your jokes are any better Dude Perfect.

Tember at 7:00?



Word Count: 840

Exiled_Introvert 2017©️


What If?✔️-Completed+EditedWhere stories live. Discover now