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Just as Freya was about to prepare for her date with Oscar along with Bryn her phone had rung.

This was not just any call, the caller was Lance Heyes, her boss, and CEO of Heyes Enterprises.

Rechecking her phone to be sure it was not another trick her mind was pulling on her, Freya accepted it.

While waiting for his response she thought about how unusual this was for Lance.

Although she was his designated secretary he had never ever called her on weekend let alone called her at all. 

He only ever gave her a note or sent text messages.

Freya also had been lucky with the times when he did place a call, so far they didn't have a disagreement unlike in person when they occurred more often than she liked to admit.

"Hello?" He spoke from the other end of the line, Freya guessed it was his office.

The man barely left his workstation, it was practically his second home.

As the years shimmed on and his ongoing war with Persephone Enterprises grew, so did the amount of time he spent in his office.

In Freya's eyes, their competition seemed more similar to a pair preschool children having a fight over the same crayon and using whatever sware words they knew in the process.

According to his personal files-the ones, Freya was always ordered about to write and refile-they showed evidence that the two were once schoolmates before breaking off onto separate paths.

Paths that lead them to the same dull future of nothing but files, paperwork, and money.

"Freya." She answered wanting to keep this conversation as short as possible, Collin was set to pick them up in an hour.

Freya was not a beauty queen nor did she care much about makeup but she did about clothing and Freya wanted to change into something that for once did show off her body in a flattering way.

"There's an emergency at the office." He said.

"Let me guess, Igneous said no to your million dollar offer?" Everyone knew the odds and rejection was the most betted outcome.

Normally Freya didn't participate in such contests with her work associates in fear Heyes himself might fire them all for their lack of faith in him but that day she placed the bet with Gwen, the runner of the contest and least likely suspect if the word did get out.

After placing her small little bet, Freya was quite confident in her card like Shane's mother when she believed they were going to win the lottery because of a whisper she deemed was God's affirmation.

The aftermath of the bet earned Freya a total of a hundred extra dollars, it seemed everyone else in the building was rooting against their boss as unfaithful workers do, but Freya knew better.

Igneous Persephone was definitely one to stoop as low as accepting Lance's offer no matter how little his offer was.

At least it would help with his financial issues for now as all his own money went down the drain a few months back.

Freya knew as much since she was always the one standing in between them whenever they went from using their mouths to their fists.

In her mid-twenties, she was still the metal bar the kept them from turning into murderous men.

It seemed the world only granted her birth so Freya could grow up to be a fence to keep two untamed vicious dogs apart.

No amount of nails and gorilla glue was going to fix her when she reached her fifties, this whole feud needed to end soon or else Lance and Igneous were going to become the next C3PO and R2D2.

If they weren't already, now.

"No, he accepted it."

Freya smiled knowingly from her side of the phone.

 "But, somehow the press is now involved in all of this." Freya still didn't understand the meaning behind Lance's call.

"I need you to help me." This was new.

"Let me get this straight, you need me?"

"Yes, now come over right now unless you want to be replaced by Gwen."

Hanging up, Freya put down her cell and laid her head on her dressing table.

"Bad news?" Bryn asked walking in.

"Tell Collin sorry that he couldn't pick me up," Freya said to Bryn apologetically grabbing her things. "I'll meet you at Tember's, I promise."

Just before Freya had the chance to shut the door Bryn grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"Work," Freya answered, pulling her hand out of Bryn's grip.

Forty minutes.

Freya had just under forty minutes to sort this all out.

She just hoped that by some miracle the two step-brothers would get along for once.

Just once.


Word Count: 740!

Exiled_Introvert 2017©️


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