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"Never take a quote seriously, because the only serious thing in the world is love."-Blind®️ Founders, Roven & Dexter Ilit©️

The mall was crowded.

Freya hated crowds.

 In her eyes, there was nothing worse than having to spend a relaxing Saturday morning off, at a mall.

Especially when it was so close to winter holidays.

All around her Christmas spirit was rippling through the air; it lingered in the massive tree that stood in the center of the mall, it flowed through the wreaths and pine buntings and it came out of the speakers in nostalgic carols.

It seemed, Freya was the only one devoid of joy and wanted to have none of it.

She wished she could leave but Bryn's constant tugging at her arm to point out cool decorations made it impossible.

Originally, Bryn had promised they were only going to stop by the local library so she could return a well overdue book of her's.

Coincidentally, she had borrowed it from a library none too close to Westfield, one of the largest malls ever built in the UK.

That was where two friends were today.

While returning her 'novel', a thinly written comic book with doodles similar to a three-year-old's, Bryn had recommended that they should both stop by and take a look at some shops to look for dresses for their big double date that was planned for tomorrow.

Automatically words of disagreement flew out of her mouth, "No, I am not going to Westfield!"

"Come on, just for an hour and then I promise we'll leave!" Bryn had begged using her charm as always to get what she wanted.

When she asked, Freya thought she resembled the human equivalent of the famous black and white circular hypnotizing illusion, except pinker on the eyes.

"I'll buy some clothes if that's what you want." Freya gave into one of Byrn's mind games. "But I am not going to break the bank like Captin Jack Sparrow, understood?"

"Glass." Bryn smiled skipping her way into a store immediately, not wanting to be shoved around Freya followed the pastel pink Energizer bunny.

While walking Freya turned over the word glass in her head, Freya supposed it was slightly clearer than crystal.

Sandwiched between four different clothing housing racks Freya watched as Bryn maneuvered herself around them while picking off hangers with clothing in her size and taste.

Squeezing past a circle of teens, inevitably having a girl's day shopping spree with their assortment of colourful plastic bags all from expensive name brand stores.

Freya remembered back to when she was young and spent her parent's money without a second thought if she wanted, no strings attached.

Except now it was different.

She now understood the price behind money.

Endless hours of labor just to receive a single piece of paper or metal. 

This was how the world functioned and what it revolved around, sawed up trees and rocks plucked from mines.


"What do you think is better?" Byrn asked holding up two nearly identical t-shirts in Freya's line of slight. 

The only noticeable difference her eyes picked up was the material, one was sheerer than the other having been made of a mix of silk while the other was fully cotton.

Freya answered with the cotton one, she was never much of a silk person herself, too fine and expensive for her taste.

She supposed Bryn would share the same perspective as well, but her final remark was not what Freya had imputed, "Silk one it is."

That was the turning point, she was done with this short little shopping detour.

Being true to her self Freya agreed that she would never understand the gist of 'shopping' and that a break was what she needed. 

And a talk with Oscar was what she wanted.

She wanted to talk to him one last time before things were set in stone when they would meet in person tomorrow.

One last time to be both herself and not herself.

Both Penny and Freya.

Two identities.

One person.


Word Count: 700!

Exiled_Introvert 2017©️


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