{ 01 }

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i grabbed the tub of icecream and the two slices of pizza beside me and munched on it as a tear escaped my eye.

scrolling through my news feed, i saw how my colleagues dressed themselves up by wearing clothes that suited them well.

i took a glance at myself in the mirror and observed myself. upon observing, three words automatically popped inside my head.

ugly, fat, disgusting.

that is how i describe myself by just looking at the mirror.

i sniffed as i kept scrolling through my news feed. i tried to hold the tears from falling but as a new notification popped, i clicked on it and it redirected me to ashley kim's post saying that i was so fat, and i do not deserve to live in this perfect society.

and damn, she is right. i really do not deserve to live in this perfect society, this perfect world made just for the perfect humans who are excluded from being fat, ugly, and disgusting.

i fought the urge to cry, but another tear fell down from my eye and then the others followed.

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