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Keith JM
active now

1:40 PM

keith: akira jeon.

keith: please hear me out.

keith: listen to what i am going to say first

keith: just..please. dont block me or log out when i am in the midst of explaining to you. okay?

keith: its okay if you just seen this.

keith: okay so let me start

keith: dont be mad if i always pester you or if i bother you

keith: the truth is, i just wanted to know if you're okay despite the bullying that you experience every fucking day

keith: i hate those bullies, honestly. even though some of them are my friends, i would still consider the fact that you are being bullied and i know that it is not right

keith: you might as well think that i am one of them too. a ruthless, bad, fuckboy who always talks to you and messes up with your life 

keith: well just to clear things up, i am not one of them. in fact, i am here to help you fight them all off.

keith: you are a fragile girl, i know that. you cannot fight them all off because i know that you are scared and you have no power to do so.

keith: so, for me, i just wanted to help. not to gain attention or receive a positive impression from you, but just because i wanted to and i volunteered for it.

keith: yes, you heard me right. i volunteered for this. i was not asked by or forced to help or befriend you, aki. i came here on my own and i am willing to take any risk just to protect you.

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