Midnight Hospital (chapter two)

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As I turn my head back and forth on the hard mattress that lay beneath me.Something warm drips onto my face.I open my eyes and find myself staring at the same boring cracks I saw before.I start to calm down when I hear a low moan coming from the hallway.The moan grows louder as it comes closer and closer toward my room.I could feel my breathing speed as a long pale hand slowly pushed the door opened.The hand was stained with dark red blood as it touched the back of the door and started to walk in.As it entered the room I closed my eyes and I heard a blood curdling scream.I panted as I sat up and looked around, I looked and saw that I wasn't restrained to my bed anymore so maybe that was probably a good sign that last night was just a dream.It seemed so real the blood the hand the screaming,I shook the thought away as I put a hand through my hair. Being here was not going to be as easy as I thought it was.I started to get out of bed but stopped when a nurse walked in.She looked me up and down and said ''Follow me Blake''. I stared at her but did what she said and followed her.As we walked down the halls,screams echoed from the rooms we passed.Nurses held down patients as they stuck them with long sharp needles in order to make them behave.Patients sitting in corners in straight jackets trapped like rats.What kind hell did I come to I thought this could be another home but I guess this is just going to be another imprisonment where people take you and play with you for their sick enjoyment or maybe I was overacting.We walked down the hall then stopped at a large open space filled with people sitting or walking around or eating.''What is this'' I asked.''Some time for you to bond with other people'' she smiled and escorted me in.She plastered a smile on her face as she walked away leaving me in a crowd of people. Someplace I was definitely not comfortable in.People moaned, walked around even hit themselves on the wall as I passed by them and sat at a small table by myself.At the table where I sat there was another window and I started thinking. I would never have freedom outside this place. I mean, how would I fit in down there with people who have never experienced what I have.It would be a nightmare.I sat there staring until someone bumped my shoulder. ''Hey man my bad'' he murmured as he sat down next to me.He opened a pudding and started eating it with his hands ''I'm jack'' he said and extended his hand that was covered in pudding.I nodded toward him and said ''I'm Blake''.He nodded and continued eating the pudding but stopped and stared at me ''Haven't I seen you before''.

''No I just got here yesterday''. ''Oh. You look like someone I had seen before'' he said ''Never really talked he just sat in the corner staring at the wall''. ''Really'' I replied uninterested I was still trying to figure out that creepy dream from last night.

''So, since you're new, guess you didn't hear about the ghost'' he asked.That caught my attention as I quickly snapped out of my daze ''What ghost'' I nearly yelled. ''The ghost of nurse Kelly''.

''Here's the story. Nurse Kelly was this insanely hot nurse who worked here a year ago.She was super sweet and nice.One night she was with this patient and I guess she pissed him off cause he killed her.He strangled her but before that he raped her and after she was dead he split her neck form end to end.When asked why he did it he said he got aggravate isn't that funny. Ever since then there have been murders here patients gone missing, screaming.They say if you wake up in the middle of the night you see her, A blood stained nurse staring at you with no emotion.Blood rushing form her eyes and neck it's too gruesome to even think about''.

He stopped, got up and put a hand on my shoulder ''If I were you I wouldn't have chosen this hospital to come to''.He shook his head and walked away.I sat there shaking my head as I watched him walk away a ghost, really, I don't believe in ghosts.Ghosts aren't real there just something you use to scare little kids when they are annoying.But maybe jack had a point, maybe there was a ghost here but what would she want with me, maybe she just wanted the taste of blood. As I sit thinking something jack says makes sense she was murdered but by who. And if the ghost wanted revenge why not just kill everybody maybe she was just looking for the guy who killed her.

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