Joyce x Casserole

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    "Mom, are you serious?" Jonathon complained.
    "Serious about what?" Joyce inquired. Will and Jonathon sat down at the dinner table across from Joyce.
    "Mom, this is the fourth time this week you've made casserole." Will said.
    "You don't like it?" Joyce asked.
    "Well, I'd rather bacon and eggs." Jonathon said.
    "Jonathon, we have too much breakfast in this house! You need to quit this silly obsession!" Joyce screeched, stabbing him with her dinner fork.
    "I thought you two got over the whole, torturing each other thing." Said Will.
    "Will, I just stabbed him with a fork. That is not classified as torture! Have I not taught you anything?" Joyce barked.
    "I'm sorry." Will apologized.
    "You know what, that's enough. Go eat in your happy corner." Joyce insisted. Will rolled his eyes, picked up his plate of casserole and left the table. He didn't get too far before he threw his food up in the air and started to have a seizure.
    "Will, go do that under Jonathon's bed! We're trying to eat!" Joyce shouted.
    "Hey!" Said Jonathon, who then left the table  to make eggs. Joyce ate all of the casserole herself, then puked on Jonathon, then went to bed.

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