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    Nancy had just got home from breaking up with Steve. She walked in the door to see Christmas lights hanging EVERYWHERE. Her mom had hung some lights about a week ago, but this was absolutely insane!
    "Mom? What's this?" Nancy asked.
    "Christmas lights. Pretty, right?" Karen said.
    "Yeah, but it's September. It's no where near Christmas!" Nancy exclaimed.
    "Well," Karen said, "When your finished being salty, you could always help me finish." Karen gestured to about 10 boxes of fresh Christmas lights. Nancy groaned and ran upstairs to Mike's room. She knocked three times.
    "Mike!" She shouted. Mike opened the door.
    "What?" He asked.
    "Mom's gone a-wall! We need to do something about this!" Nancy shouted. Then there was a knock at the door downstairs.
    "Do you think dad's home?" Mike questioned.
    "Oh I'd love to see his face when he walks in the door to see this!" Nancy said. Nancy and Mike went running to half-way down the stairs where they could see the door. Karen opened it and it was Joyce.
    "I brought you a casserole." Joyce said, "I doubt it's as great as your casserole, but I've been practicing and practicing and I need your review."
    "Hello Joyce, come in." Karen welcomed her. Joyce entered the house.
    "Wow, I love the decorations." Joyce complimented.
    "Thanks, they're kind of inspired by you actually." Karen said. Joyce smiled. They went to the kitchen and threw the casserole in the oven to heat up, then sat at the table. They were talking about the different kinds of casserole when Holly approached them.
    "Hey Holly." Said Joyce, "Are you finished your afternoon sobbing ritual?" Karen and Holly both stared confused at Joyce.
    "Oh, that's Mike, isn't it?" Joyce corrected herself.
    "Yep. And Nancy too, sometimes." Karen said. They focused their attention to the window and noticed that Nancy had moved to the backyard where she was crying and punching the grass and occasionally screaming the name of her dead best friend.
    When the casserole was ready, Karen said it tasted great, and asked if Joyce's kids liked it.
    "Well, Jonathon's constantly making breakfast, and you can't really get him to eat anything else. But Will eats it sometimes. Other times he's too busy having seizures." Joyce said.
"Oh, that sounds terrible." Said Karen.
"Oh he's totally used to it." Said Joyce, "And he only seizures under Jonathon's bed, so he's out of my way."
"Good. That's important." Karen said. The two mom's chatted and laughed all afternoon, and it felt great for them to have a friend. Maybe even best friend.

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