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Jonathon had made everyone breakfast the next morning. Nancy walked down the stairs, grabbed an apple, and headed toward the door. She couldn't stand to look at her mother after what she saw last night.
"What's that?" Jonathon asked.
"What's what?" Asked Nancy.
"That in your hand!" Jonathon exclaimed.
"My breakfast." She said.
"Oh no it isn't." Jonathon declared.
"Jonathon, I really have to go." Nancy said opening the door. Jonathon slithered over to the door and shut it.
"I did not make that apple!" He shouted, "Now, sit down at the table and eat an egg!" Nancy rolled her eyes and walked over to the table where she sat with Will, Mike, Karen, Joyce, and Holly.
"I'm really not fond of this attitude." Karen said to her.
"I'm really not fond of you making out with Joyce!" Nancy exclaimed. The whole table went silent.
"So, do you want your egg scrambled or sunny-side up?" Jonathon broke the silence.
"Mom?" Mike said.
"Yeah, it's true Mike." Nancy said, ignoring Jonathon's question.
"I think we know what this calls for." Mike said. Mike and Nancy went to the backyard to do another sobbing ritual.
    "Mom, isn't that illegal?" Will asked.
    "No, that's only marriage, Will." Joyce said. Will left the table and began running up the stairs.
    "Will! Don't you leave us too!" Yelled Joyce.
    "Mom! I have to go have a seizure!" Will said.
    "Ehhhh!!" Joyce screeched. Only Holly was left at the table with Karen and Joyce. She didn't know better so she was the only kid in support of their love. So they took her and moved to Canada.

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