Chapter 3

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Clary POV

It had been 3 months since my mom and I had moved into the institute and ii was happy. Although i missed our little apartment it was fun here. I had become best friends with Izzy and Jace asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks after we arrived

Although he was distant at first, Alec and I had become good friends in the past few weeks and he was now happy with Magnus. My mom was settled in as well and became friends again with Maryse. Luke also came to visit most days if he wasn't busy with the pack and was happy for me and Jace but I don't think my mom liked him so much

Whenever I was with him she was always slightly overprotective and told me to be back early if we went out. Simon was a vampire now because of an earlier incident

(Simon gets captured and turned like in the books, but I left it out because everyone knows the story and I can't be bothered to write it)

But he was happier and was now going out with Izzy. I walked inside the training room looking for Jace because he promised we would go out today but no one was there so I headed back down to his room

I knew Izzy and Simon were out on a date and my mom and Luke had gone out as well. I heard Alec talking to Magnus in his room so I quietly knocked

"Come in" I heard Alec's voice

I walked in to see them both sitting on the bed

"Hey sorry to interrupt, have you seen Jace anywhere?"

"I think he's in his room" Alec said "or training" Magnus added

"OK thanks"

"No problem biscuit" Magnus replied and I left the room

I went to Jace's room and opened his door without knocking because usually we didn't bother knocking on each others doors anymore. I wasn't prepared for the sight before me though and I froze

I heard a gasp and realised it was mine as I stared at Kaelie sitting on top of Jace on the bed. Suddenly they both turned to look at me

"Clary wait let me explain" Jace shouted as I ran down the hall

Jace POV

Kaelie was sitting on top of me and in my head I knew it was wrong. I thought about Clary but as soon as Kaelie kissed me all thoughts of Clary disappeared from my mind. The door suddenly burst open and I saw Clary's face drop as she saw me and Kaelie

"Clary wait let me explain" I shouted as she ran down the hall. Damn I was so stupid, I knew I shouldn't have done it

"Jacey, just leave the bitch" I heard Kaelie call and I glanced round to see Kaelie at the door. I rolled my eyes and turned back around but Clary had already disappeared


Clary POV

Everyone was out of the house and I didn't know where to go but I remembered Alec and Magnus so I ran straight to his room and burst through the door before Jace could catch me

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